"I was in a hurry" and "tears" spoke deeply to my heart. It is troubling the lack of compassion the current administration has towards refugees. I loved how she skillfully weaved her words for everyone to understand - even a child, the pain of losing one's home and in her case - her homeland. No one should ever have to endure such tragedy. She is indeed a powerful sacred warrior! Thank you for sharing her poetry, may it serve to soften hearts of stone and raise of awareness so that we can come together and put an end to this insanity in our lifetime.
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Yes, ‘even a child can understand the pain of losing one's home(land)’. In which case, we must try as a people to access our inner child, in order to recover our compassion.
Thanks, for yours, Blanca 🙏🏼
I resteemed this post on my wall, to help spread her poetry with others. Many blessings to you Yahia ❤
I really appreciate it. Thanks, again, and stay blessed ✨