anjing semata menyalak gelap
cahaya satu-satu menari
tersembul di balik perbukitan
menuju ruang berduri
jauh dari kesenyapan berhala
angin membentuk dinding bata
mengurung matahari dengan perkasa
mengirim cahaya ke kawah-kawah sunyi
sesunyi kampung mati
seusai rentetan senjata
Parapat (Sumatera Utara), Sept 2004
Tahun 2004, Aceh masih didera konflik bersenjata. Saya bersama sejumlah jurnalis mendapat undangan untuk mengikuti pelatihan jurnalisme damai di Parapat, Sumatera Utara. Di sana, puisi ini lahir di tengah kecemasan mengenai situasi keamanan di Aceh.
In the Silent Crater
dogs simply barked dark
light one-on-one dancing
poking behind the hills
toward the thorny spaces
far from the silence of idols
the wind forms a brick wall
encircling the sun with mighty
sending light to the craters of silence
as soon as the village died
after a barrage of weapons
Parapat (Sumatra Utara), Sept 2004
In 2004, Aceh was still plagued by armed conflict. I along with a number of journalists received an invitation to participate in peace journalism training in Parapat, North Sumatra. There, the poem was born amid concerns about the security situation in Aceh.[]
i liked this post! I just uploaded a poem too, visit my blog please:(
I will @angel1001. I like a poetry... Thanks a lot for support...
i like your post my friend
Thanks a lot @riostarr. Thanks you very much....