Lately, I’ve been studying about lucid dreaming. For those who don’t know what this is, let me give a short explanation.
About Lucid Dreaming
A lucid dream is when you become aware that you are dreaming, while you are still sleeping and your dream self actually knows that it’s in a dream. In a lucid dream, you can do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be, even things that are impossible in our "waking" world. You’ve probably done it before but not on purpose. Well, it can be done intentionally and that’s what I’ve been studying about. It is very interesting!
I’ve had some success having lucid dreams on purpose and it is a very surreal and cool experience. Some movies have used the lucid dream concept. My favorite is Inception starring Leonardo Dicaprio. Great movie! If you haven’t seen it, you should. And, of course, another great example of a movie that uses the lucid dream concept is The Matrix (one of my favorites). I have often said that the concept of The Matrix is not too far-fetched, if you really think about it. One of my older posts talks about this.
About Reality
This poem puts the question out there concerning thoughts on reality and what is actually “real”. It poses the question of whether life as we know it is all an illusion of some sort. And if it is, is that still not real because it is perceived as such? Or, how do we define “real”?
This is all so deep to me and makes me wonder about my life’s purpose. What is really important? Too many people take life for granted and want to accumulate “stuff” and treat others badly, when at the end of the day, everybody’s life will someday end. And, when it does, what will each person have to show for it?
Is there an afterlife?
Is there heaven and hell?
Will how a person lived their existence in this “dream” determine how they spend eternity?
Remember, the law of physics states that energy cannot be destroyed, just transformed. Our essence is energy. So, the soul of the person should transform in some way upon leaving the body.
Ok, so where does the soul go when the body sleeps in death? What happens? Another realm of consciousness? Does that mean this realm is a dream state?
Read the poem and let me know your thoughts on this topic!

Dream Life
How do you know you’re not dreaming right now?
Is this all an illusion replicating some how?
Is your reality really real or is it just how you feel?
In the collective mind no thought can conceal.
A simulation could be this what we call life.
Cutting through truth, sharp is the knife.
The matrix alive, powerful, in full effect
Could be the reality and the truth to expect.
As you ponder the thought of reasons why
Do you want to be free or want to die?
Mysterious and illusive, our very existence
Unfolding, unwinding, unbridled senses.
Twined together, feeding each other
Every soul within, your sister or brother.
Pulling life, being life to no recourse
With power and light, the energy source.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.
Experience the now, whatever you see.
Death wakes us from one dream into a dream
Awakened to another reality so it seems.
A branch from the tree of collective thought
Clipped and pruned, none borrowed or bought.
But created for life and for energy to give
To power the purpose for each one to live.
In a dream we awake and often we wonder
About the ocean, seas, lightning and thunder.
What’s it all for and what is the meaning?
We will know when we know that we are dreaming.
Original poem and writing by @Amarie
Image and GIF sources
Hands to Sky GIF
Man Dreaminig
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Very good post.Realy interesting.