Hello, people! Long time no see, huh? Well, guess what? I'M BACK! Yes, AGAIN!! lol. After another 6-months period of inactivity (this is the second time) you might think I've been trying to leave this place but I can't, right? Well, nope, life just hasn't been easy during all of these months... so, well, here I am again, I hope you don't mind...
This time I bring to you a poem about that beautiful season of resilience, resting and preparing; that season that reminds us that everything doesn't last forever, and calls us to make a little stop and meditate about ourselves and our lives... FALL.
that poem which I invite you to read (the twin brother of this poem, but better than mine lol) since he's already entering that season, and also helped me with the creation of this one and whom I'm very thankful for. And that's why I made my poem about Fall, on this side of the planet we're entering Fall!Now, some of you might be wondering why I choose this season to make a poem about while many of you are probably entering Spring, right? Well, my friend @hypexals-spiral already did
Now, without any more of my chatter, I'll leave you all alone with my poem, hope you enjoy!

Fall Ruminations
Below the equator a mighty slumber proliferates.
A breeze paints scents of sandy, wet earth,
rinsing the brush in a puddle of cold rain.
Nature signals the time to prepare has come
to be immersed inside a chattering chill.
Time to ponder upon our journey,
while the leaves fall and our eyes close
revealing the other side of the coin.
All of the autumn colours flirt with beauty,
collected into piles of decaying playfulness.
Daylight steadily, siphoned silently away
revealing the Sun has chosen its' side.
Night enchroaches upon the Day's share.
All the flora and fauna feel it now,
so they strive to endure the long wait.
Warmth and safety are yearned after,
trusting nature's ancient, hearty wisdom
to teach a new legacy the season's meaning.
Brief gifts of warmly light from the Sun,
shared in homely burrows as seeds slumber.
Thanks for reading!
Greetings! :)
Turned out great, and I dunno your Autumn one may be even better than my Spring version.
Quite the introduction to the poem, and that picture of the coloured leaves on the ground and a shadow cast by a motor bike was a nice, added touch.
Thank you! That pic is from Autumn 2019 and was outside my first (shitty) job in this country :P