"Poems of Love and Encouragement"
The first is a journey through life. How we should be and how the world is through some very unique comparisons.
The second is about missing California poem and a trip down my memory lane of some places in California.
The third is a poem about love and some tips on how to keep the fire burning in that relationship.
“The 4 Elements of Life & Love”
When we are born into life,
And become connected to the world,
4 elements will always be present.
The first element is respect,
Followed by honesty & trust,
And last but not least communication.
These basic elements of living,
Will be entered into our life,
And stay with us till we depart.
We rely on them each day,
To stay a part of life’s circle,
And keep them close to our heart.
Like the 4 winds of nature,
That bring about the 4 seasons,
Throughout our lives each year.
Like the 4 directions of time,
In the great circle of life,
With all our relations we will share.
Like the spiritual medicine wheel,
And the 4 colors of the nations,
That represents one love & unity.
Like father sky & mother earth,
Grandfather sun & grandmother moon,
And their energy, strength & love we receive.
The 4 elements of precious life,
Are the same 4 elements of love,
That is with us through each living day.
So I will keep this life and this love,
And offer it to all my relations,
Each night when before I lay down and pray.
All my respect to you I give,
And may you be blessed and always live,
In total peace & harmony.
And as we live, one love we’ll share,
Know for you I will always care,
And connected together as one we will always be.
"We are One. We are all Related. No matter what you think. No matter how you feel.
This is Constant and will be Forever. We are all connected to one universe"
This poem is about life and the importance of having love in our life. I take you on a journey from the time we are born to tell the time we are set free to the spirit world. The story tells of four elements that are the essence of life and love and makes a comparison to the natural elements of nature. The four elements I am talking about are respect, honesty, trust, and communication.
Let’s talk about these elements a little closer so I may help you understand how all four are necessary to sustain life and if one is missing, it will collapse all four.
Respect - Image Source, pixabay.com
Respect: “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements”. So the first sentence is the dictionary meaning of the word. But respect goes way beyond this. Respect is what you should have and keep with everything living and all humans on planet earth. If we all respected each other in every way, the world would be a much better place for everyone and everything. Respect would end “World Hunger”, would bring “Water” to the world, would end “All Wars” and bring “Peace to everyone”.
The World we live in today is in “great need” of healing. If we begin with “respect”, then the world would begin to heal and everyone would be much better off and live in peace and harmony.
Trust - Image Source, pixabay.com
Trust: “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something”. The dictionary has this one pretty right on. We must regain trust in our “communities” all over the world. There is to much “lack of trust” in the world today. I understand why. The governments of the world want us not to trust each other. They create “scandals”, wars”, “propaganda” by way of the “media”, and “controversy” which leads to mistrust of millions of people.
Everybody is “scared” today on who to trust. “Racial and religious wars” are spreading like “wildfire” which keeps us from working with each other to make the “world” a better place for all of us, our elders and Our children to live. To much pain in the world with no one wanting to help another due to lack of trust. Trust is a great quality of life.
Honesty - Image Source, pixabay.com
Honesty: “the quality of being honest”. Well, as I mentioned above. The governments of the world are, for the most part, dishonest in every way. They want to keep us segregated, distrusting in each other. It helps them to have better “control” over the masses. Way back in time, people use to live together in “tribes”, taking care of each other, making sure that everyone had their equal share of what the “tribe” brought back to their people. They were “honest” about what they had gathered so everyone would benefit from the gathering of resources.
Everyone helped each other. Everyone did their fair share of the work. No one went without. But the governments and religions of the world saw this as a conflict, they had uprisings against them because the tribes stood strong together. Negotiations were in full swing and a compromise had to be met before everything returned back to “peaceful times”. So “dishonest” measures were put into action to separate the people and control the masses better. Honesty is a great quality of life.
Communication - Image Source, pixabay.com
Communication: “the imparting or exchanging of information or news. The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings. A means of connection between people or places, in particular”. This is what I mean when I say you need all four “elements” for them to work or they all fall apart. The dictionary has it “right on spot” for the word “communication” means the connection between “people and places”. The way we can all connect with each other.
The expression or sharing of “ideas and feelings” and the ability to inform or spread the news to others. Letting each other know how we feel about something or someone. Letting each other know we care and will stand by their side even through hard times. Letting people know when things are bad or someone is going to do something bad to try to prevent “destructive” dealings in the world. Keeping the “peace” through “communication” by letting each other know what is happening around the world so others can help.
So as you can see, if I am not “respectful” to you, you will never “trust” me. You probably won’t be “honest” with me so proper “communication” is out the window. The same goes for all the others as well.
I hope this helps all of you to understand all of these “absolutely necessary elements” a bit better. Thanks for reading and listening. I wish you all the best, always. Love, Jeronimo Rubio
California dreaming... I miss You!!! By Jeronimo Rubio
This Poem was written when I was living in Idaho for 9 months. I had also spent 8 months in Florida as well and I was really missing California by the ocean Side.
Image Source - Pixabay.com - Pismo Beach
Sitting at the seaside, ocean waters below the horizon,
Preparing for the day as grandfather sun begins to rise.
Seagulls flying by, singing beautiful morning songs,
Gliding through the wind of never-ending father sky.
No others are around, as I listen to the sounds,
Of beautiful waves of energy that fall upon the shore.
A perfect place for me, that warms my heart within,
Where one could never think of wishing for anything more.
Off in the distance, purple clouds float in orange skies,
Waking up our sleeping spirit as the new day has arrived.
The sound of the wind, whispers "let me heal your soul",
And blows new energy & strength into my life.
I am one with all the elements, that surround me on each day,
That heal my mind, body, and spirit in each and every way.
And all this beauty I am given, I'll be "California dreaming,
Forever and ever through the rest of my human days.
California dreaming...Love Everlasting!!!
Blessings to all my relations for all their inspirations!!!
Love always, jeronimo rubio
Image Source - Pixabay.com - Santa Cruz
I have done lots of traveling in my life and I have had wonderful adventures in many places. I still intend to do more traveling. I have many places I want to go and many people I still need to meet and re-visit. New adventures on the horizon. I will take lots of photos of course. I need to remember all of these places I will visit forever. But I always end up back in California. California is home, my birthplace, my roots and of course, the place was my first family lives.
When I am traveling, I love to take photos, do some writings and post all of it on my social media platforms. Sharing is something that makes me feel good. It also helps my readers, friends and family experiences something they may never be able to or brings back memories of when they were there.
But California will always be home. I love California. So many things to see and so many places to visit or re-visit. I have lived in California most of my life and have yet to see everything that is beautiful in this amazing state. Let me share with you a few places I have visited in California. I hope I can spark some adventure into your life with my travels and writings. And, I hope you enjoy my adventures.
Big Sur - Image Source, pixabay.com
One of my most favorite places in California is “Big Sur”. Now Big Sur beautiful stretch of central coastal areas of California. It lye's between the beautiful cities of Carmel and San Simeon. To the east of Big Sur lye's the Santa Lucia mountain range, an amazing place for anyone to visit. Lots of hiking trails and wildlife to take pictures of. And on the west side of Big Sur is the amazing pacific ocean. Sun and waves for days with lots of natural sea life to explore. You can get too Big Sur by way of the 2-lane state route 1 in California. But be careful, it is known for very windy turns, incredible seaside cliffs and wondrous views of the misty and sparkly coastline.
The lodging here is amazing and beautiful and at a reasonable price. You will feel very comfortable while staying here and you will have the adventure of a lifetime with all the amazing beauty that surrounds this place. Made mostly out of wood, the inside of the lodging in Big Sur is eye-candy for everyone who visits and stays.
Sequoia - Image Source, pixabay.com
Another place I have been many times in my Life is to the Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks. If your interest in hitting up two for the price of one and check two national forest of your list in one vacation, then this is the place to go. They both lye to the south-east of Yosemite. Both are two very different parks but just as amazing as the other. Both parks have camping and cabins with many of both. You can get a good idea of what they are like by driving through, but to really get a grand experience of them both, I would suggest a refreshing hike through them. Amazing wildlife and beautiful forest everywhere you look. In Sequoia, you will experience the Largest tree in the world. This is the home of the mighty redwoods and sequoias.
Sequoia cabins are very quaint and usually, there are a few together. So you will have neighbors to meet and have dinner or some adventures with. The trees are amazing and huge. So many birds as well surround these forest and you get to wake up to beautiful songs every day.
I will bring you more poems of California soon along with more of my adventures to with them. I hope you enjoyed this little adventure of mine for now. But like I said, California is my home. So when I am away, I miss California so much. Thus, the reason for the poem. Have an amazing day and thanks for stopping by. Love, Jeronimo Rubio
My Timeless Love Divine!!! by Jeronimo Rubio
My beautiful princess, my heart of gold,
I will love only you forever.
I spend every day just thinking of ways,
To let You know how much I care.
I know You feel the same for me,
And inside we both feel completeness.
And with only you, my precious angel,
Together we have complete happiness.
I believe in you and you in me,
You have my heart and soul pure & true.
Each night we're apart, I feel my heart,
Beating deep inside of you.
Connected in life through joy and love,
Our strong love will hold us together.
and just knowing I have You in my Life,
is a feeling I'll treasure forever.
My beautiful princess, my wife to be,
I'll love you until the end of time.
Because you are my one and only,
"My timeless love divine".
Image Source - Jeronimo Rubio Photography
Love, Poetry, Writing, happiness, adsactly
Relationships today are becoming more difficult and over the past few decades, couples have not been paying attention to one of the most important and critical parts of a relationship – communication.
So now you're in a long-term relationship. Everything is going great. You enjoy each others company and all the pieces of the puzzle are there and in order. This continues on for awhile but then, without doubt, life throws some speed bumps on your road to happiness. What happened? What did I do wrong? I could fix this if I only knew the problem. All of these thoughts plus much more I am sure to enter into your mind.
Love - Image Source - pixabay.com
In the beginning, we will find things to come so easily. I believe that this is due to the excitement of something new, expectations of the future and the willingness to do anything to please each other in turn for an incredible relationship everlasting. In the beginning, we are getting to know our partner, everything is fresh. Doing things together for the first time is an adventure. But, eventually, new things become routine things. Boredom sets in and the relationship can feel dull, even non-existent.
This is where “communication” becomes the “golden key” to your relationship. We must begin to think about all of the amazing things we did and talked about at the beginning of our relationship. We must “ignite” that fire again. Bring “life” back into our lives together. But how?
Poetry - Image Source - pixabay.com
Myself, I love to write “poetry” for my soul-mate in life. I write poetry for “special dccasions” like valentine's or mother’s day, birthdays or christmas. I also will post videos on her social media. Love song videos of music from when we first met. It brings back a flurry of good memories of how it was when we first got together. You see, I took notes when we first starting dating. Now I can refer back to those notes to re-ignite that flame. Intimacy is awesome, but it isn’t everything. Here are a few things I did when I first starting dating My Fiance.
The List I use to keep the fire burning:
Take notes of her/his favorite personal things, flowers, perfume, cologne, food, etc.
Take a lot of pictures and make a scrapbook.
Write down a list of favorite “love songs” that remind you of times during special moments. Maybe you sang one to her/him, maybe it was playing during a romantic moment, etc.
Take notes of things that made you laugh hysterically. Movies, incidents, etc.
Use “terms of endearment” daily. I love you, you look amazing today, you're so beautiful, etc.
Draw Pictures, if you can’t draw, take a photo and send it to them. Write poetry, but If you can’t write poetry, recite poetry or just write down thoughts of how you feel about each other and recite them to each other.
Bring home something special at least once a week. Not on the same day either. Flowers, candy, something you know they like and want, etc.
Re-visit places where you had an amazing time to bring back those special memories.
The List - Image Source - pixabay.com
This is my List. These are things I do to remember. To help me remember. To help us remember. It not only keeps the “flame of love” burning, but it makes it grow bigger and better each and every day. And, these are all forms of “communication”. You see how easy that was. I wish you all the luck in everything you do in life. Create that "timeless love" because Life is hard, but it is even harder when you're alone. Take care of yourself. Love, Jeronimo Rubio.
Authored by: @jeronimorubio
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Thank you!
nice job!
like the poem... but can somebody explain that A.D.S.A.C.T.L.Y - System and the Cooperative aspect to me? I really don't understand that...😔 Thank you @peekbit
I don‘t understand it either... 🤔
so we are two already...
Everyone has its own journey on the path called life and we encounter things differently but those 4 elements were very necessary for our journey for us to succeed. Our vision must be clear and we should set our goals in life for us to have direction in our journey. :)
Your absolutely right @elizahaye. We all walk our own red road. We must always focus on improving life for all our brothers and sisters. With the 4 elements mentioned. Life would be so much better for all on great mother earth. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Have a blessed day.
Wow really impressive words .. beautiful
Nice work from you well done
Thanks for sharing this with us
This made me get really emotional because sometimes I feel like my parents could care less about my existence. It made me jealous and happy. It made me hope that my mom feels this way about me.
Good day to you @kouba01. We all wonder about many things in life. One thing we wonder about the most is how we are seen in the eyes of others. Many questions run through our heads. Do they love me? Do they like me? Do they respect me? and many more I am sure. I do not know you my friend and I do not know how your relationship with your family is, but I do know one thing. I pray for you and your family every day. I pray for everyone in the world every day. I care about all of you. I care about the world. And I love everybody in the world as well. So know that there is at least one person other than yourself who loves and cares about you. Be at peace always and have a blessed day.
Your journey through life, how the world is through some very unique comparisons of respect, honesty & trust and communication, about 4 winds, seasons, directions, colors and most importantly about Love. Your further explanation is unique, This is the first time for me to read beautiful poem and then short story describing this poem. My favorite of this one is definitely
Missing California poem and a trip down your memory lane of some places in California where you always come back even though you travel all over the world. You write about you favorite places in such as Big Sur, which I have never heard of before. I love hiking trails and wildlife and if I could I definitely would spend my whole life in nature, you know, buy a small house 🏡 in suburbs with wild animals coming near, feeding and me watching them while drinking my morning coffee. Beautifully written with my favorite part:
And last but not least your poem about love and some tips on how to keep the fire burning in that relationship. You are completely correct about relationships becoming more difficult over the past few decades, which is soo sad. You hear about more and more breakups and divorces all around you. I’m a religious and I belive in living with one person for the rest of my life, not only because of what my religion teaches me, but because this one person I married is worth it and at the same time there is no other person in the entire world worth leaving my wife no matter what. Here is my favorite:
I can’t put one poem in front of another, they all are soo beautifully written. All I can say is “heads down”.
Thank you so much @milano1113. I am so happy that you enjoyed both the writings and the poetry. It always makes me feel good when others enjoy my travels and my words. I write about things that mean so much to me and the entire world. A few life lessons I guess. Learn from our mistakes and make things better. Thank you for your words. Have a blessed day.
Poetry is that the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from feeling recollected in tranquility.........Thanks for sharing such a nice poem and nice photos.......@upvoted
You need to tell us who said that you know! Because i am positive i read that somewhere. :))
Thank you for your collective view and words @rupok. I am so happy that you enjoyed them. I believe that we are all a collection of feelings and experiences that we can share with others to help them on their path in life. Have a blessed day.
I really like your cool words. They are polished refind diamonds. How can we appreciate great soul, greater than your precious jems.It feels like you have collected pearl from deep end of the sea and decorated nicely@upvoted and resteemed
Thank you so much for your awesome words @sarahmcdowell. I am very happy that you enjoyed the poetry and writings. I am always trying to bring words that will help others. It is something I believe that we all should do. The pearls I collect are the ones who enjoy these words I bring to help others. Have a blessed day.
I must confess this poetry is strong that ur soul will never seize to soar and rehabilitated. This is wonderful.The photos are also beautiful.@upvote and resteem
Than you so much @sarahmcdowell2. I am glad you enjoyed this collection of poetry, writings, and pictures. May all your days be blessed.
The first poem is something that should come to every human ear. This is very true and can not be more than that. Those 4 ways are the essential part of our progress as the civilized society as we moving forward and we should stick to them as much as we can. Very, very nicely put out, my friend! Love the other two poems as well, but the first one has that something that catches me :)
Thank you so much for your beautiful words @megy.fine.arts. I am very pleased that you enjoyed all the poetry and found one that really reaches out to you. You are absolutely right. They are essential in every way of life and we all need to practice them every day. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Have a blessed day.
Your posts are always thought provoking
Great job
Thank you @ubair1. It is the power of words that encourage positive thought. Words of encouragement are words of empowerment I believe. Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed day.
No problem 😁
respect, trust, honesty and good communication will lead us to a loving relationship. I like the life philosophy you describe @adsactly
Thank you very much @nia.nuraini. You are absolutely right as well. I appreciate your words for others. I am very happy that you enjoyed the writings and poetry. Have a blessed day.
Love is indeed a beautiful thing. I love the words you used to describe it. Thanks for the amazing write up
You are absolutely right @davonicera. Love is beautiful. We are all born of love. We all have the power of love inside us. So we need to share this love with the world always. Thank you for your words and I am happy you enjoyed the poetry and writings. Have a blessed day.
I love poems
Thank you @mahamlicious. I am very happy that you enjoyed the poems. Thank you for your kind words and have a blessed day.
Your welcome
Beautiful and heart warming points...
Thanks for reminding us the importance of communication and to always keep the friendship alive between soulmates...Hello @jeronimorubio
Thank you so much for your kind words @sandralouis. I am happy that you enjoyed the poetry and valuable lessons in life. We are all in this life together and we need to do more to show this to the rest of the world. Sharing what I feel inside is just a small part of what I do every day. Have a blessed day. @adsactly #absolutenews
The text is very beautiful.
I did not have time to read all of them.
Thank you so much @goktug0814 for your nice words. We must all show love every day to every one. This is how I have chosen to live. Have a blessed day. @adsactly #absolutenews
The first element is respect,
Followed by honesty & trust,
And last but not least communication.
Beautiful peom honesty,trust and communication makes a better living. Let's embrace it. Thanks for sharing this wonder peom
Thank you so much for your kind words @nancy007. I am so happy that you enjoyed the poetry and writings. You are absolutely right. We do need to embrace all 4 elements. The world would be a much better place to live if we all did. Have a blessed day. @adsactly #absolutenews
wow...very nice picture..
thank you for sharing with us. my dear friend @adsactly..
Thank you for your kind words @sibbir. Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day.
Beautiful poetry it reallty speaks to me deep down.
Ive lived in California. Its amazing. Cheers 😌
Hello @welldoneman. I am so happy that you enjoyed the poetry. California is a very kool state with lots of things to do. I hope you enjoyed California during your time of living here. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day.
Lovely poems here. I really enjoyed reading through all of them.
Thank you for your kind words @essiential. I am very pleased that you enjoyed the poetry. I am so happy that you were able to read them all. I hope that the poetry has brought inspiration to you. Have a blessed day. @adsactly #absolutenews
How wonderful to read such works! )
Thank you for your very kind words @margarita-de. I am very happy that you enjoyed the poetry. We are all one in life and in the universe. We should all embrace each other always. Have a blessed day. @adsactly #absolutenews
I clearly like your cool words. They may be polished refind diamonds. How are we able to admire extremely good soul, more than your precious jems.It feels like you've got accrued pearl from deep quit of the sea and embellished well...!!!!
Very nice picture
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Thank You! ⚜
@adsactly you have shared your beautiful three poems. However the first one is the reminder as to how we must protect 4 basic element in life - respect, honesty, trust and communication. These basics in us should stay alive to make life more beautiful and cherishable ❤
And lastly, your list of the ways of communicating the love is amazing that keeps the flame of love burning and makes it grow. ❤
Beautiful post @adsactly. I'm reading it again.
How insufficient if my pondering
How incomplete is the man's excuse for thought
Is it not that we find the wanderings in the dark places of our mind fearful
For without it would would there be recognition of light
How can few men know the knowledge borne for many
How can the rivers know the water boune by sea
How have the waters of the ocean found there way into the rivers of the land
and rivers don't know the truth of their birth
Nice you posting
Nice Poems!
I really love them. :)
I wish I was good as you.
I do create some poems.
Check them out, will you?
I appreciate it, Thank you :)
Nice poetry so lovely
Hello How r u Given me a Vote pls and follow me pls pls
Without poetry there is no life to love. Well done
poetry Is The Best... Like poetry and thank you @adsactly
I really like your cool words.
This is can be rules for life thank u for your words
Telah berbagi. Dan saya kali ini bergabung pada anda. Berikut link saya semoga saling membantu. TerimakasihTerimakasih banyak @adsactly
Nice 👍
i want to like you help me to rise up
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Thank You! ⚜
Sama sama.
Berikan sedikit hadiah kecil untuk saya 🙂
epic poems! i like them
its abeaufiful poem poetry is creative
Reading such poems is simply a pleasure. Words form in sentences and you get such wonderful poems as you. Thank you very much for being able to get to know this.
Thank you for sharing
I really like your words. Thanks for sharing the poetry.
Wow, nice write up. Thanks for sharing
I love the way you write, beautiful poetry. <3
poetry is a beautiful set of language
poetry is an expression of soul full of meaning
poetry is capable of creating suggestions
poetry is the magnet that creates attraction and is able to motivate
poetry is the magnet that creates attraction and is able to motivate
poetry like a turbulent passion
poetry is the ultimate life for the poet
I am interested in the photography you display.
very nice
loving this by the way, one of the best posts i have seen on here. Someone else pointed out to one the favourite parts of this poem and i have to agree with them.
"We are One. We are all Related. No matter what you think. No matter how you feel.
This is Constant and will be Forever. We are all connected to one universe"
this is exactly how i feel about the universe, hopefully we can get more people to think in s a similar mind set and instead of fighting trying to fit all our differences, lets just flow with who we are and work as a team as a unit and be a true harmonic force.
thank you bro for sharing
Lovely poem! 👍So nice to read this. 😊
The poems are the tools by which our heart speaks, through them we express our deepest feelings and let ourselves be carried away in the middle of the haze, the melancholy and the desire ... I liked your post.
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