ADSactly Poetry - Love is Still Strong

in #poetry7 years ago

"Love is still strong"

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

This post is all about the truth that love is still strong and growing. There are so many things in this world that are just wrong. But hope still lives and is growing stronger every day. People are starting to care about the environment more, people are going back to their family and tribal traditions more, lots of beautiful love songs are being written (Unfortunately, they can only be heard mostly, on internet or satellite radio) but they are out there if you look for them. Amazing things are happening today, and I applaud all of those who are helping the world to be a better place for our future generations.

As always, I love to try to contribute to the lighter side of life, where one can relax and enjoy the beauty of the world. Where you can step away from technology for a little while and smell the incredible fragrance of flowers in bloom, feel the wind rushing through your hair and enjoy the warmth of the great sun. Listen to the waves crash against the shore, listen to some relaxing, romantic music in the background ambiance and read some poetry or listen to some spoken word over a mellow drum and bass beat. I guess I am a true beatnik indeed. I love the beach culture especially.

So let’s get into some spreading of love with three new Love Poems for everyone to enjoy. I have written these for my fiance Vanja but I will keep them neutral so others can maybe use them one day for the one they love even if you just read something nice for them to enjoy. This first poem is about two humans, two spirits or two life vessels coming together and becoming one and how a true love becomes perfect. This poem is entitled, “My perfect true love”.

My perfect true love - Image source -

“My perfect true love” 3.25.2018

Every day we have new lessons to learn,
Through friends and loved ones alike.

But the best lessons are with our one true love,
That makes life shine through each day and night.

True hope so strong between the two of you,
That will grow at least 10 fold each day.

The new smiles shared with each new experience,
The laughter enjoyed by two in every way.

The collection of memories never to be forgotten,
Forever happiness within each and every one.

Eyes glowing like fireflies on the darkest nights,
Bodies energized like the great morning sun.

Feelings exploding with every single touch,
Hand in hand, as two lives become bound.

Soul-mates that are unique to each other,
Matching perfect, no flaws to be found.

Two wanderers in life who finally came home,
Two lovers in the night now no more.

Two people brought together by destiny’s hand,
Now intermingled with love for each other to adore.

This is me and you my beautiful princess,
Two souls that’s been merged into one.

My heart, my one and only for all life,
My wife to be, my perfect true love.

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

Well, now the fire is started, the smoke is building and we are ready to move on to the next poem. This next poem is bout the excitement of love and being in love. How, when your with that special someone, it seems as if you are in a place that you have never been before and only the two of you are able to find this place when your together.

This place is a magical place where love is everlasting and you will grow old together here in your own magical space far away from the worldly events and struggles. Grow old yes, but love will flourish and grow stronger every second each moment you enter into this new brilliant world. A lifetime commitment. Never wanting because you have everything you’ll ever need with each other.

So let us begin this magical journey into the unknown except for you and the one you love. This is entitled, “Through all eternity”

Through all eternity - Image source -

“Through all eternity” 3.19.2018

A passionate kiss in a timeless moment,
As lips touch and ignite like a shooting star.
Arms reaching around our warm bodies,
Connecting inner feelings as we drift afar.

Off in the distance a light shines down,
Lighting up the eyes of two into one.
Romance shoots through our inner soul,
As a new kind of love has just begun.

Never a feeling of want within our life,
Having everything we will ever need.
For two have become one in the circle of life,
Forever in love is the way we will be.

The soft sweet touch of skin to skin,
A sweet whisper of words everlasting echoes.
Completeness now until the end of time,
Holding each other, and never to let go.

Just you and me, Beautiful queen of my heart,
You and me, a complete lifelong commitment.
You and me, two spirits found on one astral plane,
You and me, a new life with no limits.

So take my hand now and we will fly far away,
Where we’ll grow old but always will be.
In love, never alone, completely surrounded by beauty,
From this day my love, and through all eternity.

Photography by Jeronimo Rubio

This next poem is very important as it is how you will describe how much you love one another. How you make each other feel. How deep your love truly is for each other and how this union and love is blessed by the ultimate power from the spirit world in the great sky.

It is how everything done in love is blessed, some how some way and the bond that is created between the two people who live this way can never be measured. It just can’t. It is how every kiss, every touch, every moment is magical and special.

So let us finish this journey through love with this final poem entitled, “I love you so much”

Through all Etermity - Image source -

“I love you so much” 3.14.2018

I love your eyes as they dazzle in the sunlight,
I love them when they sparkle under the moon.
I Love your Smile because it lights up my day,
How your smile brings to memory our love tunes.

I love your skin so soft, like the touch of a feather,
How it caresses my skin like a soft ocean breeze.
I love your lips, like the sweet taste of fine wine,
How they always drive me straight to my knees.

I love your hair so beautiful like a midnight serenade,
Sung by the fireflies as they light up the sky.
I love your kiss, a magical sweet moment, every one,
A special love feeling, that I could never deny.

I love everything about you and forever I will,
Because you’re the ultimate special gift brought to me.
And forever and a day, we will remain one soul,
Connected through unconditional love, for all eternity.

I love you so much Vanja, our love is can never be measured,
As we endure an everlasting, breathe-taking special love.
And our union together is bonded by the ultimate power,
From the great skies and great spirit from heaven above.

I hope all of you enjoyed this journey of love I have taken you on. It was a very magical moment for me and I am so happy that I was able to bring you on the ride with me. I wish all of the world to enjoy love as grand and even better than this.

It is a wonderful thing to live in this magical world of love. It is a place that I pray all of us can join one day and meet on the astral plains of love together as one spirit. Enjoy your life and enjoy the love you have. Ten go out into the world and share it with the world as it was meant to be. You will always have my love to share coming to you on the winds of life. Love always, Jeronimo and Vanja

Poems, text and signed photographs are authored by @jeronimorubio

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@adsactly you and your wife looks so stunning. Love lies in the eyes of the beholder. Which love could fall on my side..

Thank you so much @folly-pandy. Every moment was a wonderful moment. We had so much fun together and our love continues to grow every day as it should. Love will come your way I am sure. I always have faith. Have a blessed day.

I think love become stronger and deeper after every day. Old relations are very important and precious in our life.

Indeed! Love must be built by time, effort, and sometimes by food :D Love must be cultivated.. Great peotry of yours @adsactly

Thank you so much for your kind words @jejes. You are right as well. Love is constant and continues to grow always. But it must be nurtured. Have a blessed day.

I've asked you before @introvert-dime why you vote up all your own replies at basically full strength all the time, but the post itself at VERY low power (around 7% usually it seems) and here is the deal.

It is considered pretty scammy here to do that.

And you have been doing it a long time and it is time to address this poor behaviour.

Once in awhile is fine. Not all day, every day for weeks on end.

That is garbage behaviour here.

You seem to pick high profile posts, or users to do this on always and then vote your comments to the top increasing your visibility and you do this all day long, every day, all the time.

That is frowned upon here, not like you need someone to tell you this behaviour is scammy and poor.

I think I might start pasting this reply into your scammy replies to people, since your replies are all self-voted to the top for VISIBILITY. ALL THE TIME.

-- here is the proof just for today , the last few mins, on which I encourage everyone to check out on the blockchain.

This Reply posted April 3rd, 2018 to @introvert-dime, as I have done with them before..... without reply.

So cute

You are absolutely right @introvert-dime. Love will grow every second of each day between two people who are truly in love. Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day.

Nice ..
You can not imagine a world without love .. wonderful words from you
Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much @slimanepro. I could never imagine a world without love. You are right for sure. Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed day.

Very well written great work and i can't wait to see more :))

I am happy you feel so good about the poetry @cyberblock. I hope you will return as well. I look forward to the visit. Have a blessed day.

beautiful poems about love !!

Love does not hurt; It is the person who does not know how to love you who hurts you.

Very well spoken @drphysiatre. Sometimes what we feel is love isn't really love at all. It takes both people involved to make the relationship work. If the love is one-sided, it will always end poorly and someone will get hurt. Have a blessed day.

So much of what I write is so morbid, so dark. It is always great to find a contrast, especially in these troubling days when we are so beset with trials and tribulations. Indeed, love trumps all things, tis one thing I do know. BRAVO! BRAVO BRAVO!

Thank you for your amazing words @nicholas83. From darkness comes light if we choose to continue our journey and move forward. Without darkness, we will never know the true beauty of the light so we must know darkness as well. Have a blessed day.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Lovely heart @ronel. Wonderful inspirational words you have chosen. I truly appreciate these wonderful words. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day.

Love tested and trusted has passed through seasons ..time has its way of making love stronger ,deeper and better..

You are absolutely right @chioma-amiable. Love is always being tested and love always passes the test. Thank you for your wonderful words. Have a blessed day.

Yes, Love is still strong. This is lovely

Thank you for showing everyone that love is still strong @ibk-gabriel with your words. I truly appreciate it. Have a blessed day.

love so strong, yes it grows everyday. if only you're lucky you'll meet your soul mate and enjoy the true meaning of love... true love is beautiful and yes it does exist. if you find yours be very grateful and hold on tight. i hope i find my one true love.......

Thank you for your powerful words of encouragement for others @shollstun. I am sure that your true love is closer than you know. Always keep the faith and be the best that you can be. Have a blessed day.

You two have everything you need, you have one on the other and an immortal love respect for the beautiful words

Thank you so much for your kind words @carolinaelly. We do and it gets better every day. Have a blessed day.

Now that is some confession of love, i love love though 😍

Thank you so much for your kind words @djazzman. Love is awesome always. Have a blessed day.

the amazing history of love have a nice day my friend

Thank you so much @angeltirado. I am happy you enjoyed the journey of love I have taken you on. It really is a wonderful journey if you choose to immerse yourself in the passions of love with that special someone. Have a blessed day.

love make your sure about ilfe. thanks for your poetry, its make me cry

I am happy you enjoyed the poetry @sajakaditya. I hope you have a blessed day always.

It was so beautiful your post, that made me believe in a moment in eternal love, The truth is that I am 20 years old, I doubt very much that I have known true love, but I hope to have the fortune like you to find it.

Thank you so much @adrianav. I am happy you enjoyed the poetry and stories. I love to write about many things but love is my favorite. Thank you for your lovely words. Have a blessed day.

Simply that Love lives, and the Poems. Simply beautiful.

Thank you so much for your kind words @maribelpitocco. I am happy that you enjoyed the poetry. I wish you a blessed day.

Mind blowing poetry @adsactly. You've indeed expressed love vividly in 3 lanes.
I wish you and Vanja the best

Thank you so much @vicpoetics98. Thank you for your blessings of myself and Vanja. I am so happy you enjoyed the poetry. I hope you have a blessed day.

Wow! Am so sorry, just seeing this now haven't been online for a while
Am honoured! @jeronimorubio

I agree with you. And I know that you are a good man who thinks for everyone on earth.
Because there is no country of good people, he is everyone.I hope you will be with us in such a way.thanks all

Thank you for your beautiful words @smnur24. I am happy that you really enjoyed the writings and poetry. I am sure that you are a good person as well by your reactions and kind words. And you are right. We all have the power to be beautiful because we are all born of the unconditional love. Have a blessed day.

Perfect post @adsactly ,love goes beyond mere words (I love you) the force behind love is uncontrollable but humans tends to classify love in materialistic things. Well if you ask me, love get stronger each day when you realized your Partner is just the perfect one for you.

You are absolutely right @samtexprints. Love goes way beyond mere words. You cannot truly live without love. Love is what makes living worth every second of every day. And yes, people do tend, at times, to measure their value of life buy material things they have gained through life. It truly is sad. Have a blessed day.

Thanks for your feedback. You love your creative writing.

The third poem is my favorite. :) It really shows how much love you have for her. It is also very sweet for a guy to write poems to a girl. I bet she really feel "kilig" with that :D :) (kilig is something like "having butterflies in your stomach" There is no equivalent word for that in English though. That is a Filipino word.)

Well, thank you so much @creyestxsa94. I hope that every time I write to her I make her feel both loved and special. Because she is very loved and special to me. I think that we all should do something special for people we are truly in love with. Write poetry, If you can't right write poetry, read poetry to them or sing to them, if you can't sing, dedicate a love song to them. Simple. Have a blessed day.

Yes, true.. There are a lot of ways we can do to make our special someone feel loved and special. :) :) Have a blessed day as well. :) I hope you both will always be happy every day :)

So touching. Made me cry. Love is indeed a wonderful place to be. :-) two thumbs up for this.

I am so happy you enjoyed the poetry and writings @cookntell. Love is indeed an Amazing place to be always. I wish you all the best. Have a blessed day.

Thank you for inspiring us. 😍

Thank you @carlitojoshua for inspiring us with your enthusiasm. I hope that you have a blessed day and always feel love around you.

Such a strong love does not end even if life itself ends...

Very true @andreamsulba. It will only get stronger. A timeless kind of love. Thank you for your wonderful words. Have a blessed day.

beautiful, magical and captivating, let's write a little about love saying

Love me in my madness because my straitjacket is you, because that calms me, because that heals me, If I ... You.

Thank you so much @antimonio. Thank you for your kind words. Writing about love always inspires others. This is wonderful and I hope it becomes a chain reaction throughout the world. Have a blessed day.

Amazing and beautiful poetry thanks for sharing!!

Thank you for the kind words @chrsgk2018. I am happy you enjoyed everything here today. Have a blessed day.

“I love you so much” was really great. They were all awesome. So happy to see that unconditional love still exists in this world.

Thank you so much @stewsak. I am glad you enjoyed the poetry. I pray everyone has a love like this in their life. It truly is an amazing feeling inside. Have a blessed day.

Poetry is that the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from feeling recollected in tranquility.........Thanks for sharing such nice poem's.......The photos are superb.@upvoted

Wonderful words:) I love what you've written:) I just made my first poem post on Steemit and would love to hear what you think:)

I really like your cool words. They are polished refind diamonds. How can we appreciate great soul, greater than your precious jems.It feels like you have collected pearl from deep end of the sea and decorated nicely.The photos are beautiful.@upvoted and resteemed

Wow nice

sir i invest you. and alwayes follow you please see your histories.

nice story, i love it, ave a nice day.

Nice Story Mate!!

Hi i'm rocky , Lets help each others . Please Follow Me , I will follow you back . Thanks !

and I still cant substitute love for a better is the strongest.indeed everyday is a living poetry..thanks for this @adsactly

So amazing.. The picture are lovely.. Nice to meet great people like you on steemit

Congrats and keeping rocking

i'd sooner say this is currently more poetic relationship speculation rather than reflective of timeless love

life will be so sweet with your lover,i have a lover ,but we may not be together.what i can do is cherish every minute we spend together.

True love oooooo

Really love is always still strong enough each and every day if it is pure from both sides...
Wonderfulk couple 👫... Love to see u

So beautiful pic👌👌 you are amazing..👌

Love accepts the right and ignores the wrong
Love is not just a feeling, but a decision
Love doesn't consider time spent together. No matter how long
I agree. Indeed "Love is Strong"

So wonderful this poetry, I love it . thank you for show us this. please pass to my blog: Sin paso al orgulo

Sweet words.
Thank your article,i hope i can have too.
I am still waiting my Ms. Right.

¡So cool this post, I like it! Thank you for showing us your creativity. Here I will leave my post: Hi! That is my new post, I hope you can read it: No step for pride - Poem to the power of communication

Nice Pair!

Linda poesia, gracias por compartir amigo @adsactly, el amor incondicional es lo mas bello que existe espiritualmente. Un abrazo en la distancia.

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