by Adam Kokesh
I served my country, or so I was told,
A Marine sent to Iraq,
We thought we were needed to keep you all safe,
but didn't know what to attack.
We fought, and we killed, and we bled, and we died,
and you kept on sending us back.
Do you feel sorry? Have you any regrets?
Do you think how things could have changed?
Where were you standing, when our country was stolen?
Did you fiddle my freedoms away?
Do you wish you had spoke out or gone to that protest?
It didn't have to turn out this way.
Your husband came home in a flag draped coffin,
and you know there's no good reason why.
Your son hung himself with a green garden hose,
and you don't know why he wanted to die.
Your brother drowned himself at the bottom of a bottle,
and your mother just sits there and cries.
Do you feel sorry? Have you any regrets?
Do you think how things could have changed?
Where were you standing, when our country was stolen?
Did you fiddle my freedoms away?
Do you wish you had spoke out or gone to that protest?
It didn't have to turn our this way.
These wars are a racket, and always have been,
Did you see it, or were you blind?
We fought and we killed and we bled and we died,
no bid contracts were already signed,
They'll start up a war just to keep you enslaved,
'Cause they know that you'll never mind.
Do you feel sorry? Have you any regrets?
Do you think how things could have changed?
Where were you standing, when our country was stolen?
Did you fiddle my freedoms away?
Do you wish you had spoke out or gone to that protest?
It didn't have to turn our this way.
And now we are faced with a thousand new ghosts,
from a war that didn't have to be,
Yet they want your support for a thousand more wars!
In places that you'll never see,
This is your chance to fight back and stand up,
So hear this one veteran's plea:
Don't you feel sorry! Don't live with regrets!
Today is still another day!
It's time to stand up, before our future is squandered,
and our freedoms are stolen away!
It's never too late to speak out and resist,
Because it's not going down that way!
. . . no we're not going down that way!
. . . no America's not going that way!
All photos hear are original photos that I took myself in Iraq except the last which was taken at the IVAW house in Washington, DC.
You can find everything I'm up to by going to
Adam, are you familiar with whistleblower Donald Marshall? I asked you in previous posts but you never respond. He has ousted you as a Russian/FBI agent of deception.
Stoked to see you on here Adam. Pretty sure if you post more you will do very well, very quickly. Capitalism is beautiful 😎
Glad to see you around adam ;)
Postnya very useful and hope you are lucky for future in this steemit :)
But do not forget the upvote on my blog too :D
DAMN! I didn't know you joined Steem @adamkokesh
I'm a long time viewer that is excited you joined the platform

Respect ✊
Good job, Adam! Thank you for continuing to help with your message. Be well, my friend.
Great to see you here, Terry!
You bet, Adam! Keep up the good work!
Sick poem! Would it be possible for you to upvote or resteem my poem about the future of America?
Welcome back to Steemit Mr. Kokesh!
You've been upvoted, followed and resteemed.
Nice!!! Wow, hope you don't mind, but I have a Poem called "War Time" you might enjoy:
Nice to see someone else raising awareness for war veterans.
Thanks for sharing! It can be very therapeutic. A form of talk therapy.
Welcome back to the best freedom site around! Hope you stay a little while longer this time :)
Planning on it! Finally committing. I'm slow to adapt sometimes. Ready to get serious here.
I think the $455 with only 50 votes shows how valued your content is here. Just quit transferring all your earnings to poloniex ;) Love all your work man, just get me some more man on the street interviews! I love seeing the cognitive dissonance on their faces. But the people you convince to change their minds are the best!
I support your message. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Have you read FREEDOM! yet?
I actually have :)
Great poem and photography!
Thanks! I was my official team photographer. I'm working on releasing my way memoir book soon. Tons of photos to go with it. Not sure how to release them.
Do your own ebook and you can stick as many photos as you want in it. I would buy it!
Incredibly deep my friend. Keep up the good fight!
Post more often :)
Thank you very much for this post.
You're very welcome!
I respect you for services. I also served my country.
Thanks for your service!
My prayers go out to all the men and women that we have lost in the Iraq war. I also want to thank you for keeping us safe God bless thank you @mannyfig1956
Respect !
If you'd ask me 2 years ago, I would have never thought I would upvote you @adamkokesh with a couple hundreds dollar vote, heck there wasn't even such a thing as dollar upvote.
Steem on my friend!
Thanks! Will do. I'm finally ready to commit to this platform properly.
Very thought provoking, also most likely very true.
Reality of the world...beautiful
Hey Adam,
It's Ben from incitingideas! I hope you've been doing well and glad to see you on this platform! Gave you a follow brother.
A poem of war and love for the country...
very intense spirit you got. i was considering the air force after graduating from college. Can't imagine going to iraq though.
Great words sir, hope to see you on here more. Best of luck, I've been wondering where you have been!
Adam, I have watched your videos for years, gotta say I am there with you all the way.
Upvoted, Highly rEsteemed and Followed.
Welcome fellow Steem Punk!
Thought provoking - upvoted. Thank you for sharing this.
thought provoking
I am a poet too; I read a lot of poetry. I don't see much on this topic anymore, and I am happy you are using this medium to express yourself <3 +++
Hi Adam @adamkokesh I've @ronmamita been with steemit for only 2 weeks now and I am very familiar with your efforts over the years!
I look forward to chats and informative content as I've been blogging for a decade and left youtube & facebook.
This is something!
Watch your youtube videos, good to see you on steemit mate. Will folow for sure. Gday from Australia.
Beautiful poem. War is indeed senseless. Mankind do not learn their lesson, how very sad. I am also a fellow poet, do visit my profile.
Pretty good man. Fuck these ass clowns who use us and all the family members
as chess pieces for their sick game of power and crony capitalism.
Thank you for your service in the Marines and thank you for your continued service as a freedom fighter, on the streets and online.
Beautiful, Adam! Thank you for sharing this. It is gut-wrenching what is happening, and you bring it to life with your poetry. Thank you, my brother, for sharing this!