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RE: Criticism from Lirik fisherman defended the fate of his friend that is farmers

in #poerty7 years ago

I agree with your response in the comments, which is that Negative impacts revealed from oil palm plantation activities include:

Spatial issues, where monoculture, homogeneity and conversion overloads. The loss of biodiversity will trigger the vulnerability of natural conditions in the form of decreasing quality of land with erosion, pests and diseases. Land clearing is often done by clear cutting and land clearing by burning for the efficiency of cost and time. Moisture and nutrients of monoculture plants such as Palm oil, which in one day a palm tree trunk can absorb 12 liters (I quote from environmental seminars in the year 2011 ago) In addition, the growth of oil palm should be stimulated by various kinds of fertilizer substances such as pesticides and other chemicals. The emergence of new migrant pests Which is very fierce because this new pest species will seek new habitat due to the harsh competition with other fauna. This is due to the limited land and types of plants due to monoculturation. The pollution caused by the smoke resulting from the clearing of land by burning and disposal of waste, is the methods of plantation that poison the living creatures in the long term. This is increasingly rampant because of the very limited humanitarian agencies that conduct emergency fire fighting and waste management activities. The occurrence of horizional and vertical conflicts resulting from the entry of oil palm plantations. Call it conflict between citizens who refuse and accept the entry of oil palm plantations and clashes that occur between the community with the government apparatus due to permit system of oil palm plantations. Furthermore, the practice of conversion of natural forests for oil palm plantation development is often the main cause of natural disasters such as floods and landslides

Negative impacts on the environment are becoming more serious as in practice the development of oil palm plantations is not only happening in conversion forest areas, but also built into production forest areas, protected forests, and even in conservation areas that have unique ecosystems and high biodiversity values .

Can we need conversion of forests into oil palm plantations considering the negative impacts that bring so many dangers and clearly threaten the sustainability of the environment? A question for us contemplating for the survival and balance of nature and its inhabitants. (Flush)