her life begin
watch her grow.
1/4 inch below
soil at 70°F
Dont be worried about her apparent height.
Plant her outside when all frost disappears.
Late spring is the perfect time of year.
Full sun light and well-drained soil
Keeping the ph between 6-7.
To Rosemary this is heaven.
She will soon be bringing you the cures.
Now just wait until she matures.
Harvest in the summer
Sprigs and whole bundles
Hang them to dry
Don’t worry, you’ll get more from her.
Shell grow back all summer,
A harvest all season & yes, for good reason.
Fill your kitchen with her,
She’s great on chicken.
But she has many talents,
and that includes healing.
Healing moods and bacterial infections.
Lets take a look in that direction.
Ointments ,
And Teas.
Rosemary does way more then just these.
Improves memory,
Brain health, and circulation.
She’s an anti-inflammatory that also helps with concentration.
Don’t take Rosemary for granted.
She’s more then just one of those herbs
In your grandma’s kitchen.
She was brought to this country by colonizers
But it’s still ok to use her natural healing properties.
Nice poem but it has nothing to do with finance.
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