Smile It Is Free
It really means a lot to every Best friend out there. Never let anyone ruin your friendships because you never know how important to you. Especially when they are always there standing next to you. Friendship is worth a thousand dollars.

A smile is cheer from you to me,
the cost is nothing, it's given for free.
They console the weary and gladden the sad.
And can make someone happy when they are mad.
Unlike blessings in which we pray
it's the only thing you keep when you give it away.

This is my submission for Day 21 of the 100 Day Poetry Challenge organized by poet and artist, Daniel Pendergraft @d-pend
If you think that you have potential to share with world then do take part in this wonderful contest 100 Day Poetry Challenge and feel free to join Steemit School discord
with Love,
~Zeeshan Nawaz