My love has no end
It will only extend
It is you who can embrace it
It is you who can disregard it
I will not push
I will not force
Awaiting with grace
Awaiting with trust
I will love you from afar
I will love you near
Whatever you may choose
I will love you still
AKA: Tiger is a Rose

#Findyourrosetoday 💓 Meaning behind #Findyourrosetoday, think of the one thing that put a smile on your face today. It doesn’t matter how big or how small. That is your rose for today!
I do love this kind of poetry :-) From the heart and says exactly what it means; very relaxing actually to read :-)
Thank you, I was actually feeling insecure about posting this one, but knowing at least two people like it, I realize it was because of something else.
Oh I liked it. I wouldnt feel insecure. I must be the third person now 😎
All writers feel nervous about sharing their work at the start, but the more you do it the more relaxed you become with it :-)
One of the best poems I have ever read and I really appreciate you for writing and sharing such a great and sweet poem with us here.
^_^ Thank you very much!