Do you know who you are?
I'm back to give you a mighty shakening
And be a catalyst to your awakening
As I unfold to you a verbal streaming
In the genre of Spoken word
Once Upon A Time And On A Very Special Day.......
You were born to be, A messenger
from the Ghetto
to the Meadow, to the mountain top, back down and all around town.
To the innercities and to the social elite
To the slums and subway hums and all the places that will make your journey complete.
You will speak, communicate and relate by lyrical song and poetry, by lectures, stand up and composition with a universal melody.
By rapping and rhyming, tapping and signing, by the way, you move in a creative flow, with the precision and execution as a ballerina on toe.
You are a messenger in the halls of the Senate, on the floor of Congress
in meetings of world relations, you transcend and transform.
From the boardroom to the U.N. you have a flair and a flavor, a way to penetrate closed minds.
Before its conception, you were already meant to be apart of the master plan designs.
You are one they shall reckon with
You are mightier that the Lords that be Sith
As you rule the day, making it do what it do
Head up Y'all... make some room
Because A Mighty Soul is coming through.
As a messenger, you will touch hearts, change minds; cause many to contemplate and renegotiate, cause many to remember and be mesmerized in the moment.
As a messenger you will wake up a nation, one person at a time.
You are a messenger who brings new truths and wisdom for the ages.
You Were Born to Be,
A Visionary, A healer, A Counselor, A Teacher, A Comedian, A Leader, A Marketer, A Farmer, A Fixer, An Innovator,
An Artist, A Designer, A Choreographer, An Inspiration, A Nurturer, A Peacemaker, A Conduit of Beauty, A Storyteller, A hero, A Master, A Champion, A Legend, An Activist, An Advocate, A Giver, A Creator
Be Who You Are!!!! JUST DO IT!


wow...I needed that, very much. thank you
You are welcome. Thanks for reading @inksanity.
You can be a motivational speaker. This poem seemed best suited for slam poetry. And had I listened to you recite it, you would've heard some snaps from me. :D
Thank You @abhinavmendhe.
Another Masterpiece that I needed. Thank you!
Please also take time to read this. :)
Thank you! Love Lots!
Thank You @therainbow.
This... made me cry. Beautifully written piece! <3
'There is a sadness in never truly living what we were born to be, what was the purpose of it all if we only once in a lifetime briefly brush wings with our true calling and destiny, never to know it again, if we ever knew it at all. What a waste life would be.'
Awww.. it means a lot to me that it touched you that deeply. @bennettitalia, thank you for stopping by and reading.