night before solstice

in #poem7 years ago

Twas the night before solstice
and all through the lair
The demons where stirring
and setting of snare.
The demon king laughing
two dungeons away
Whilst murdering heroes
and cursing decay.
The cells were all locked
With the broken inside
And the demon king strode
With a malicious pride.
The demon king tired
Was ready for bed
With hopes for dreams
Of raising the dead.
When outside the castle
there arose such a clatter
He sprang to the cannons
To see what was the matter
The drums did he hear
And the fight in their song
He thought to himself
This is very wrong
Then a thought crossed his mind
It turned him about
And with great vehemence
He began a shout
“The Humans are coming”
“Grab hold of your spear!”
“this night only comes, “
“but once a year!”
He knew at that moment
The battle was on
For the demons of Kirn
Crave the blood drawn
The king sent them forward
And called them by rank
“Go Mages, Go Bombers
, Go Fight by the Tank”
“Go Harpy’s Go Goblins
, Go Sphinxes, Fight ON!”
“do not lose A Step
until all blood is Gone!”
The demon king Writhed
Excitement About
His demons where fighting
Until one more Shout.
This shout was not his
It came from below
The humans where begging
To be let go
With army’s so Strong
The Demons Screamed NO
But the Demon Kings Mind
Had started to Grow.
He thought to himself
What if one year
I didn’t kill humans
But instead spread Fear?
He strolled to his chambers
The war but forgotten
And began a scheming
On plans he’d get caught in
He knew it was cold
So grabbed his red sweater
His boots and his hat,
And a bag made of leather
He filled up his bag
With spikes, blades, and chains
Then jumped in his sled
And grabbed hold the reigns
His Netherforce Reindeer
Replied with a Call
“Its Time Demon King
To Bring Evil to All”
He rose in the sky
Battle Waging Below
And He Called to his troops
“get inside, let them go!”
The demons took orders
It gave them a stun
Then into the castle,
Away they had run.
The humans gave praise
The Battle was Done
But demon kings plans
Would not yet be Shown
“if all the year
The humans could die,
Then on solstice day
My demons will fly”
“and like it should be
That day I will rule
And not send my troops
To fight for their gruel”
The tools From his bag
He dropped from the sky
And to the humans
He screamed from on High
“Use these tools well,
And learn Demons Might!
Happy Solstice To all
And to All A Good Fight!”