Yeah, I've been absent for Part of that has been due to a significant increase in my addiction to Path of Exile. The league (syndicate) that's just wrapping up has been superb and has resulted in my best character. I've finally finished the Acts component of the game, and made some progress on the endgame map atlas system. It's been great, and I'm certainly hoping to make it there in the new season.
I'm in the middle of all that exploding ice, chilling, freezing and just plain killing any enemy that gets close to me
So what is the upcoming league?
It was recently announced to be called 'Synthesis', and we follow Cavas as we attempt to help him in reconstructing his fragmented memories. The promo trailer looks pretty good and I'm really hoping that all the hype that GGG have put behind this new league plays out well in the actual game.
There's so many awesome reasons that Path of Exile is one of the best free to play games around, and being free is always a good starting point, but the amount and size of the updates to content are far better than many comparable games to the point that they aren't really comparable. They've already got 4 'expansions' planned for this year, with Synthesis being the first.
HC PoE comp. I'm certainly more of a veteran player than I was, and I'm hoping that the 8th is a relatively free day for me to get as much play in as possible. I'm certainly hoping to get past Kitava, which I think would beat my previous best attempts in one of these competitions.To kick off the new league, I'll be entering @mattclarke's
This was the display for how your current syndicate was set up with rivalries (red) and trusted (green) links, as well as aligning different members into each of the 4 sections
I've branched out to play a variety of characters (as you can see over at my profile, although the recent season saw me play a close in fighter type utilizing Ice Crash extensively as well as multiple cast when damage taken options. This league I'm hoping to build from a Templar or Dualist, or possibly both, though I also want to explore the new holy and chaos damage that they're adding in the new league so might work on a chaos build of some sort.
If you've not played this great game yet, head on over to their website and take a look into it. Sign up an account and get in some practice before the new league. Hopefully we'll see you in the competition that Matt runs, and who knows, you might pick up a prize!
Upgoats made by the talented @ryivhnn
I'm going to participate too. Only I did not quite understand how to leave a request. I understood about the tag #poecomp, but did not understand what should be written precisely for me to become a member. Your intention to defeat Kitava in 24 hours, of course, is a challenge for me. I hope I can find enough time for this! ;)
welcome to the race! using the tag as the first one, and providing a link to your PoE profile page, as well as updating your PoE settings so that it is not private, so that other players can see the list of all your characters, as that's how @mattclarke tracks how people are going and determines the winners
Cheers to hopefully another league that keeps us all busy! I already want get into a fresh Delve mine and start making my way down.
yeah, I'm interested in pushing a bit more into the mines as well. So many things to do!
Glad to have you onboard, @ratticus. Looks like you wrecked Betrayal. If you can get to Kitava in 24 hours that'll be quite the achievement. I've made it there with a hardcore character, but it took me weeks :)
It's certainly an ambitious goal. Honestly I'll be happy to get past Dominus, who's the first boss I tend to struggle with
I went back to have another attempt at Dominus in Standard since DoNotDieLinny died. I don't expect to get past Dominus. I'm kinda bummed about it. :(
Don't be too bummed about that. Dominus is truely dangerous and has claimed the lives of so many. In one of the HC races I've left a guy at the point of Dominus, just so he was alive. As soon as the race was over, attempted the fight and was so easily overwhelmed by him. One of those cases where not pushing on more was good judgement