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RE: Our biggest win yet. Congratulations Gamingchimp - 100 STEEM headed your way.

in #poecomp7 years ago

Always a pleasure to have you in the competition, mate. Well done on a resounding victory.
I think that's where @enjar trips himself up. He does these massive, involved posts, which are fantastic to read, but they have to take a long time.


I could have pushed harder instead of farming. I need to pick a different class next time if there is one. Something not so known for being a great league starter. There where opperuntiys I could have taken in the contest but I focused on just 1 guy.

I was tempted to go for shadow as well as I was starting to fall behind. From the last races I know the guy who plays the shadow can also take it much further then I have.

The posts where like 1-1.5 hour each to make at best. It was very tricky this time around since I'm now co-running a gaming community on top of things. I just can't let those guys be ignored for 3 days. Still no excess I could gone harder and taken more risks!

I noticed that community. Seems to be going well for you mate :)
Hard to be torn. There's no way I could field a decent attempt in this race, with a full time job and a white picket fence. Great to jump in and watch some streams for a bit though.

One of these days you will find the time and crush us all!

If not almost sounds like you are living the American dream over there with a white picket fence. I’ve always pictured you are a true family man. Which brings far better things then a videogame can ever.
