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RE: Some epic fails in this race, but none as epic as mine.

in #poecomp6 years ago (edited)

I really think buying a litter of cats for the purpose of completing the Acts is over-kill. lol You might be able to chain all their lives together and somehow transfer that survivability over. But I wouldn't want you to be disappointed and be left holding the cat litter, while Kitava remains undefeated...

I think it might be more practical if you just load a new instance of your last Kitava defeat and practice that way. Note: I did this myself with Dominus, and it didn't make me any better. But the frustration of running it in close succession and failing did at least get me seeking alternative options. Hence, I used totems for the first time.

Anyway, I will pray to the PoE gods for you, but even without their blessings or additional pets, I think you can get it done!!