My youtube venture with the Wifey was taken down

in #podcast15 hours ago

Am I incredibly surprised? Not really, I mean, it kind of proves my point in so many ways. But, is it a bummer? Yes, it is.

uncle youtube

You might know this, you might not. But over a month ago my wife and I started recording long conversations about our political views, and honestly, life in general.

Truth be told the idea of this little venture of ours is not to become youtubers, per say, since I have no idea if that's even a possibility in our lives, but more to record more or less where we are in our progression through this existence.

But.... we said some things...

What was it?

If there's one question I desire an answer to is "what did it? What was the thing that made youtube go... No here Sir!?"

The email I got simply says I'm out, no ifs or buts, and I can appeal, but I'm banned from started a new channel.

Lucky for me, I did create that channel using a different email, so I suspect my guitar building is safe (for now). Well, it should be, it's just guitar stuff after all.

All that being said

I was so milk toast on everything on the "misinformation" channel, that I'm thinking that it had to had been some jordan peterson loving cultist who hated the fact that I called him out for being transphobic, and feeding red meat to incel types.

Le sigh...

Anyways. I'm not going to let that deter me from sharing. I'm a capitalist, so I believe youtube has the right to do as they please with their platform, but it also tells me it's time to find better places to post "controversial" videos.

Cheers Amigos


If there's one question I desire an answer to is "what did it? What was the thing that made youtube go... No here Sir!?"

As soon as you are seen as someone who is trying to wake people up with what you say and the way you think, from that very moment on you become someone dangerous and undesirable for trying to make people think. And therefore you must be silenced, excommunicated and banished at all costs.

i cant think of anything I said that was incorrect... im really trying to imagine what it had to be.

Precisely, having always been correct and saying the correct things with honesty and transparency. That's exactly what earned you the excommunication off youtube. How you dare to be a correct person?

You got banned for simply having conversations with your wife? That is beyond crazy. You're right of course: their platform, their rules. But even so, that seems just a little bit of an overreaction on their part.

i wish they would just tell me... Hey, MenO, you said dogs are better than cats, and thats felineophobic.. something... idk

Classic really. You probably should have drank more coke during the recordings

good idea bro! lol

Looks like 3speak is a better option.

i cant remember what i encountered that made me not try to use it... i should look into it again.