Your local, Loyal Goon hosting, Ruckus Co-hosting the weekly episode of the Creep Squad podcast with out guest MacDaddy where we talk about Creep Squad news, Releases from Creep Squad artists, Music, Current events, Politics, Rants and stories.
Sponsored by King Kong Concentrates and Vapingstory and Smoke.
#creepsquad #battleaxeglobal #battleaxewarriors #baxwar #ottawa #grimeytown #kingkongconcentrates #goon #goonish #ruckus #underground #hiphop #shatter #dabs #concentrates #edibiles #medibiles #localartists #supportlocalartists #podcast #faygo #hatchetfam #juggalo #juggalos #technitians #strangemusic #strangemusicfam #myfriendsarescarierthanyourfriends
This is dope...I'm following!
Hey thanks! much love and respect from everybody over here at Creep Squad!
Wicked video bro
much love fam