Have you heard of POCKET tokens yet? POCKET is a new token running on the Steem Blockchain! Learn how to claim your free tokens. If you want, you can sell some to me for SBD :)

in #pocket8 years ago (edited)

this post.So this is really cool! @biophil came up with a way to embed a new token protocol within the Steem blockchain. The new token is called POCKET. If you are interested in reading the details about how it works, you can check it out in

Here are the basics:

  1. Any user with a Steem account is able to claim their free POCKET tokens by following the instructions in this post.
  2. There is no cost to claim your tokens. They are free to claim!
  3. To be eligible, the account must have posted/commented at least 5 times before POCKET tokens were launched (on 8/28), and agree to the fine print in the genesis post.
  4. Every user that follows the instructions to claim their tokens will receive 1,000,001 POCKET tokens.
  5. Transactions usually cost 1 POCKET token to complete, although there is a way to avoid the fee if you read the details in the official posts.
  6. Once you have pocket tokens, you can send tokens to another user by creating a comment in the form pocketsend:<amount>@<account>,<optional memo>.
  7. There is a very limited amount of time left to claim your free tokens. After that, the only way to get tokens is from other users who have claimed theirs.

I strongly encourage everyone to check it out!

The instructions to claim your free tokens are in this post:

I am willing to pay you 1 SBD for signing up and selling me half :)

If anyone wants to sell me 50% of their claimed tokens (500,000 POCKET tokens) for 1 SBD, just reply in the comments below with pocketsend:500000@timcliff,Selling 500000 POCKET tokens for 1 SBD after you have claimed your tokens. I will make all payments within 24 hours of receiving the tokens.

I will buy up to $75 SBD worth. The first 75 users to send me 500,000 POCKET tokens will be sent 1 SBD in return. The offer is valid until this post payout closes, or until 75 users have sold me tokens - whichever occurs first.

I am only willing to buy 500,000 from each user because I want you to keep some tokens for yourself. The reason I am making this offer is because I believe these tokens will likely be worth more than 1 SBD :)


I think this is a really cool idea/project, but I have not fully evaluated the protocol. I cannot guarantee that it will work. I highly recommend that users check it out, but please do your own research and evaluate the protocol before deciding if/how to use it.

More info:

For even more information on the POCKET protocol, you can check out all the posts that are trending for the tag: https://steemit.com/trending/pocket

Thanks @biophil!

Thanks @biophil for this great idea, and for putting in the work to make it happen!


Already claimed mine a few days ago. Nice to know I have 2.0000002 SBD of pocket tokens. Let the fun begin.;)


Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: wekkel
Receiving Account: ammonite
New sending account balance: 996697
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 82f8e2e9e71d96b357d5c1a01cd41a480fbf6f8d
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: wekkel
Receiving Account: ammonite
New sending account balance: 996697
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 82f8e2e9e71d96b357d5c1a01cd41a480fbf6f8d
I am the-tech-guy's POCKET bot. Currently running this code (develop branch).

Successful Send of 2
Sending Account: wekkel
Receiving Account: ammonite
New sending account balance: 996697
New receiving account balance: 1000001
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 82f8e2e9e71d96b357d5c1a01cd41a480fbf6f8d
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you @timcliff for pointing out this great project. I missed their official announcement, but thanks to you I was able to participate. I am waiting for my POCKETs.

I don't think I will sell 500K to you. I would like to see what happens with them. However, if I get my tokens, I will send you a tip using POCKETs.

pocketsend:101@timcliff, Thanks for pointing out this nice project.

Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: sadekj
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999899
New receiving account balance: 104
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: bddde273421f44398ef9b3f56b7dc4815fb64cce
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

New receiving account balance: 104

@timcliff, haven't you claimed your POCKETs yet ??!!

No, lol. I don't have time to evaluate the protocol enough to sign the agreement. One of the reasons that I am trying to buy coins instead :)


Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: sadekj
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999899
New receiving account balance: 104
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: bddde273421f44398ef9b3f56b7dc4815fb64cce
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thanks!! :)

I have mine! Will be interesting to see how this develops.

One point I noted from the latest Pocket posting was that they are not so securely held as STEEM - i.e anyone with access to your posting code could transfer your Pocket to another account.

Anyone thought about this? Potential solutions are technologically beyond me.

I guess the transfer would be captured on the blockchain so you could see where, or to whom, they went, which would act as quite a deterrent...



Yea. One of the official posts from @biophil address this. It is by design, but you are right - it is an additional risk.

Thanks for the reply!

Wow, that is really cool. We can create a sub-economy with this and pay for special community projects for example.

Good idea! There's no point in trying to totally monopolise the tokens as I think their value is largely derived from their even(ish) distribution! It will be interesting to see what this looks like after the genesis period. Of course being a fixed volume token may provide significant value too.

pocketsend:5@timcliff, sending you a small tip to demonstrate how transactions are working

Successful Send of 5
Sending Account: steemmillionaire
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 988400
New receiving account balance: 4
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 782302ddf12a8a0755bd765922370eb6fabb81b5
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thanks :)

Just wandering, why are you not claiming your initial POCKETS?

I don't have time to evaluate the protocol enough to sign the agreement. One of the reasons that I am trying to buy coins instead :)

Successful Send of 5
Sending Account: steemmillionaire
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 988400
New receiving account balance: 4
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 782302ddf12a8a0755bd765922370eb6fabb81b5
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thanks for telling us about these tokens. I claimed mine. But I really didn't get what's the use of these tokens. Are these just a part of an experiment or something bigger. And a value of 1 sbd for 500,000 tokens, I didn't understood.....

Well, the use is whatever the community makes of them :) You can use them for whatever you want.

As far as the 1 SBD for 500,000 tokens, basically I am willing to pay anyone who wants to sell half of their tokens 1 SBD for them.

Oh, that sounds cool. Whatever way we want to use them!!!

Sounds like a very good idea to me ! Will go and grab those tokens and stuff them into my pocket;) there is really a multitude of things for what this could be used, iam looking forward to see new ideas emerge about that as well ;)

thanks @timcliff for telling and at @biophil for having the idea !

1 SBD for 500,000? Argh, I'm paying too much! Participating in a friendly auction that started as 10 SBD for the 1mil, and I'm up to an offer of 22 SBD for them. Pocket to the moon, haha!

Well, they are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them :)

Exactly (and the same is true for BTC, gold, comic books, etc)... that's why I'm in the auction. It's neat to have a chance to maybe participate in helping to establish a market value, and helping the Pocket project survive/thrive after all the work @biophil surely put into advancing the platform for us all.

Don't worry, my bid is still higher (0.01 BTC) 😄

I concede, take it all, I'm buying more @sportspodium and OMG!

Interesting project. I've applied for some. I'm interested to see how this develops

Will check it out :) Ty for tip. Gonna keep them myself though ;)

pocketsend:500000@timcliff, Selling 500000 POCKET tokens for 1 SBD

Hi @sinner - it looks like you haven't properly claimed your tokens yet. In order to claim them, you need to resteem the POCKETS genesis post before you reply with "confirm". You should get a message letting you know that you have your tokens (from a bot) after it was successful.

If I recall, @sinner isn't eligible to claim the tokens. Isn't that right, @sinner?


This looks cool, i am going to check it out. Thanks Tim

post is good but there no link how claim pocket token i did not under stand if any one explain will great full are send me linkk as i claim the pocket token thank you.

The instructions to claim your free tokens are in this post:

Wow.. sound nice.. what wallet will it be kept

There is no wallet.

I tried to use it, but the bot didn't respond to my 'confirm' post. Maybe it wasn't running?

I just resteemed that post and posted confirm again as a test.

It looks like you still haven't resteemed it.

I resteemed but only at 0.01 SPD. Maybe this needs to be the full 1.0 SPD?

Reseteem, not promote. Should be free.


nice idea. lets see how it goes

this is really cool!

Excellent update! Upvote & resteem post.

I demanded my tokens. It's good that I managed it, 7 days have not passed yet :)

But excuse me, I will not sell them. Let them lie down with me, they do not ask for food :)

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :]

Great to see you on board on the POCKET experiment!

It's really smart implemented, easy to use, and brings something new on the steem blockchain.

By the way, for those willing to sell smaller amounts of POCKETs, there are active buy options of 400 POCKETs for 0.1 SBD.

Wow, that is really cool and thanks for telling us about these tokens.

Interesting. Cool. I am not really sure if I get it or not. However, could this be useful as an alternative way of rating posts or rewarding authors. I could send you "Cool" pocket tokens, or I could send "nicely written" pocket tokens. This could be like an "atta Boy" or "You've Done Good." Collecting the tokens from others could be a source of pride. There could be multiple flavors of tokens. (patience, helpful, eloquent, well thought out, hard working, stupidity, Sarcasm.) Interesting none-the-less.


pocketsend:100@timcliff, -cool pocket tokens- for getting it

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: cryptick
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999900
New receiving account balance: 302
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 367811d3279eb3ec1be5b38c5bbe547293a526e1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: cryptick
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999900
New receiving account balance: 302
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 367811d3279eb3ec1be5b38c5bbe547293a526e1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

I think Pockets is an interesting project! I got my million and one, and I've purchased some at the rate of 1 SBD per 50,000 Pockets. I have another offer on the table to buy at that rate, and I may want to buy more. Let's see how this plays out for all of us! Steem on, Pocket on!

Thanks for the tip, @timcliff, will check it out!


Welp I just claimed my tokens, not sure what to do with them though. So the tokens is a sub currency, and it only has value if the community thinks it has value? This could be interesting。ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Thank you for the info @timcliff

Yes, correct. Feel free to sell some to me ;)

This is a new thing for me I haven't heard of it... I will definitely try it.

pocketsend:100@timcliff, Thank you for bringing this to my attention :)

Welcome :)

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: dimitrisp
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999900
New receiving account balance: 203
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 2c4e3d0762a787151bb4b8a63eae14eb32b2f651
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: dimitrisp
Receiving Account: timcliff
New sending account balance: 999900
New receiving account balance: 203
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 2c4e3d0762a787151bb4b8a63eae14eb32b2f651
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you for the info
will try it :)

steemit is a good way and good aporchunities idea,wow, that is really cool.

wow pocket I like it

wow nice job


This is not the genesis post. You cannot claim your tokens here.


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