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RE: Pocket confirmer bots: bug fixed; please upgrade to latest code now!

in #pocket7 years ago

A JS library is a JavaScript library. I'm just leaving this note here for future anthropologists because POCKET token is going be around for the next thousand years and JavaScript probably ain't gonna last that long. Also, I can turn my account into a confirmer bot, if it ever becomes necessary. Hey, congrats on your new job, Dr. Brown! Just wanted to let you know that your new town has a thriving Steemit community. The great @Broncnutz (This dude has tons of Steem Power) can introduce you to the gang and he already mentioned to me that he would like to meet you once you get settled in. He is already a POCKET token hodler himself.


Hi Paul!

I've been traveling, moving, getting set up with UCCS, etc and have been away from Steemit for a while. I did not know that there's a Steemit community here, other than @smith-house/@brownsgreens. Sounds like a meetup is in order!

Sounds good Tokenmaster, let me know when you are ready for a meetup and I will help spread the word.

Hi @biophil! I'm Jose, senior analyst at AmaZix ( // I was referred to you by @jga, I'm working on a forum project based on the Steem blockchain and have benefitted and learned a lot from your posts on Pocket token. I'd love to talk to you and get your feedback about our current targeted implementation. Do you have an e-mail or Telegram you can be contacted on?



Hi @jimmygatz -- I was absent from Steemit for a long time, so I'm sorry I missed your message here. Still interested in some input?

Hello Paul Atreides! I would like to buy some pocket! Would you sell me some or know where a market exists? I appreciate in advance any consideration! I would like 3 million pocket in total, but that is just a round number and would just like to buy 'some'

pocketsend:501@ecoinstant, sorry but I'm looking to buy some more too but here is a few free ones to get you started, I think I read somewhere that there is a market on Bitshares but I have never checked it out.

Successful Send of 501
Sending Account: paul.atreides
Receiving Account: ecoinstant
New sending account balance: 2580282
New receiving account balance: 5497
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 70179731637daf4ba52911fb7a6adba10b3afbd1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Thank you for getting back to me! I am slowly making my way through the list of the users holding the most pocket, no problem, if I figure out how to get more I will let you know!