That is my bedroom heater.
I woke up cold at 5AM and felt sorry for myself, how dare I - I thought at 9AM. It was my "own fault" as I had not been out at night to bring in more coal, and me, yes me, I had not chopped enough wood yesterday to last me through the night.
You have to own your own mistakes.
I have to admit I am going to be of little use today for myself, I split my thumb open yesterday and I know it will take a day or two to heal but hey we get another day above ground all the same.
A lot of things in my life are old, the farm, the barns - me.
Old does not have to be bad though, anything can be fixed if we try.
I am off grid again, even google maps has not driven past my farm, you can get an aerial view, not a street view, and it is not in my name, I do not exist, perfect.
My internet is mobile, a set up we worked on a few years ago, it is international now.
I can hook up and release from it as I wish, and I do. Reliance on anything is fragile, so I try to rely on nothing but myself at times, even then I let myself down, like at 5AM this morning.
It is roaring now.
What is it lunatics in power want?
I must admit I awoke thinking about this at 5am.
If you have food, heat, another day what more do you need?
I have a car, my wife has a car, she does not want to move to the farm and I say fine, up to you, we all have a choice in life.
My basic lifestyle is I guess what she does not like, offgrid, no running hot water, I have to heat it on the open fire, not everyone's cup of tea, but it is mine.
It takes effort, it really does and a lot of it, but it pays dividends in abundance.
@practicalthought try it, you will like it.
The older I get the more effort I want to put into life.
I can sit in a heated apartment in town, all mod cons, superbly fitted with everything you can and would need, but where is the fun in that? It just makes me lazy.
When you get cold put on more layers.
What 5AM made me realise is all I have to do is finish my HH0 heating system and then I do not have to wake up cold at 5AM, not that it bothered me that much anyway as I needed a pee. 😜
So with my split thumb and with 5AM still fresh in my mind and me being of little use to me today outside I shall try to perfect the heating via HHO and when I do you all get the plans online and for free, no patent and no charge.
Life is for living - sharing - caring - the lunatics that run the asylum simply put forgot that.
As my buddy on facebook states via a meme below.

I am off to catch some breakfast, starving now, but worth waiting for, you enjoy it more when you have to earn it, trust me.
Back to basics folks, it is the way to live. Get growing your own food and enjoy eating it.
Breakfast today shall be fine. Have a superb weekend. Enjoy.
Nice post. I can relate, tore my left pec muscle again 5 days ago. I do 99 % of the things I do in pain. No pain no gain.

Dug 3 small drainage trenches with a pick axe today. Over 40 foot worth. Planted some Phacelia about 25 pounds. Then hand watered it with my rain water collection system. That is for my bees. Tomorrow I will be working on splitting those hives. Do some jumping through the intended to be stupid monkey hoops ( fucking tags for my bike). Lots of things sprouting. This is what Phacelia looks like.
It took me 7 weeks to dig this and clean up the mess. I still have to cover the top of the dam with topsoil. I will get to it. Waiting for the spring rains to fill it. Then it will get fish. If my kids just focus on school daddy can make things happen.
Wow, that flower and OMG that dam, by gawd that took some effort, congrats brother.