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RE: Dudes walking naked in Ladies changing rooms.

in #poblast year

Heh I knew you would find the story interesting.

a written novel in which you read that "persons with lips started to kiss each other."

That sounds steamy! I'd definitely read such a novel.

The article tries to make sense of the issue, and it is all over the place, but it seems that the key issue is that the judge didn't specify what was so problematic with the word 'woman' in the original context in which it was used. To me, the concerning issue is that this is a Supreme Court judge, who should really be focusing on applying the law equally and fairly, not peeking through the blindfold and engaging in culture wars.


That sounds steamy! I'd definitely read such a novel.

LoL. Rascal, that's not what I meant ;)

To me, the concerning issue is that this is a Supreme Court judge ...


not peeking through the blindfold and engaging in culture wars.

well said.

After all, judges are not always that supreme, as it turns out.