I pledge allegiance to the flag...

in #pledge8 years ago (edited)

Let's break down the pledge so that people see where Americans are taught to Americate from the tender age of 6 through the beginning of their adult lives may not actually be in the interest of peace, abundance, and liberty. I like to do these things the before or after so folks aren't maximum triggered.

I pledge allegiance to the flag

See, when you start doing this at the age of six roughly 250 times a year for the next 12 or so years it looks less like a sweet gesture and more like you're indocturnating children into a ritualistic pattern of obedience towards actions of the state.
I have reason to believe "The Flag" is actually a trade name for the USG, INC. It's not as simple as pledging to a colored piece of cloth. It actually means the corporation that runs this place.


This again isn't actually the dejure government that you think it is. The act of 1871 created an illegal district in the actual Republic and it's one of the starting points of the Government Services Corporation pretending to be the actual government.

and to the Republic for which it stands

So, here it's actually recognizing that the flag and the Republic aren't actually the same thing. It's simply representing it. The actual living government crafted through the Articles of Confederation and up through the original Constitution containing the actual 13th amendment that was ratified still exists... but it's been abandoned for years. And these corporate assholes just point to it and say, well we're not them, but we represent them.

One nation, under God

Creepy fact. The USG, INC is actually a religious non-profit registered I believe in Delaware. I'm sure nation has it's own special meaning that I've been meaning to look up in Black's Law Dictionary. It's not what you think.

With Liberty and Justice for All

Ummm... we seem to have different definitions of Liberty. Having to present papers and get my testicals groped by blue gloved TSA agents is a profoundly different definition. As for justice... it's corporate law. It's admirality law. It's maritime law. It's strawman law. How can you have actual justice when the court judges are administrators abusing their position and falsely representing their law through a series of uncontested presumptions.

There's basically a 150 year falsehood that's perpetuated in school's all across this country, but the truth is the actual government had to stop functioning during the civil war because there wasn't a quarum anymore. So, Abe et. al created a government services corporation claiming to represent the real thing with a copy cat constitution to keep it going. We haven't had a true functioning government since then, but the good news is that these people are crooks and phonies and if we work together we can change this system by exposing what they've done.

Don't construe me as Anti-American. I agree with Mark Twain.

Registered religious non-profit- https://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2013/08/united-states-of-america-inc-registered.html


One of the best marketing gimmicks ever devised.

Want to get people do do something that runs contrary to their best interests?

Wrap it in the flag and start the chant:


If you want to up your game, start a fight with someone else and then say they started it.



You nailed it onthat for sure. It is kinda cringy when people start yeling that. I think the only time that is the right thing to yell is if our usa team is playing another forgien team in some sport maybe.

We should be patirotic to our own people, not the government. Our government does so many bad and stupid things all the time and nobody notices becuase they are all dumbed down and either working to pay taxes or living off of taxes and they vote to keep politicians in power so they keep getting the tax money back as welfare.

The whole thing is turning corrupt more and more.

Ireally hopy Trump dismantles a lot of it. That is what I want him to do. Dismantle, shred, throw away the cia and all this crap.

Dismantle, shred, throw away the cia and all this crap.

Yeah, they're not gonna allow that to happen without a fight.

And Trump is The Master Showman, he's all too familiar with what you can get people to do when you stand at a podium and start that chant.

I'd be willing to bet that the first thing that happened after he was sworn in was to show him exactly what those people can do to him if he doesn't toe the line.

Him, his wives (current & former), his kids, his dog, his parakeet...

I love my country, but I hate what has been done to it. Just about every one of the grievances in the declaration is true again today. We have become the empire that we wanted to escape from in so many ways. It is well past the time to re-declare our independence.

Have you guys ever seen this: http://www.losthorizons.com/

It is the truth about the Income tax and the horrid deception behind it. I highly recommend checking it out.

https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw Join us in Discord. I have some friends you'd liek meeting.

Great Post. I am from the UK and we do think our cousins across the pond have some weird ways (I wont mention gun laws for fear of being run out of town)!!
We still love ya though!

supporting people supporting us.
You are the one who brings our unqiue and valuable content @aggroed

Thanks! Glad you like it!

sir @aggroed I have a question why is the minnowsupport gone in my discord? Am I kicked? I think I didn't done wrong. Thanks.

if there is something wrong thing that I did, sorry.

idk. A few other accounts got eaten. If you were posting in general you were probably kicked temporarily. If you weren't discord may have had an issue.

I actually have a problem with pledging allegiance to the flag, because I'm a Christian. Although I believe in being a good citizen of this country for reasons of conscience and being a good witness of my Christian faith, my first allegiance is to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pledging allegiance to the flag and the government it represents is not something I'm comfortable doing, especially as the government gets more and more off track.

I stopped pledging allegiance a few years ago.

I don't care what people think--even if they think me unpatriotic. But I'll put a hand over my heart and raise my hand to Jesus any day!

I have heard this case before about the pledge....So do you think we shouldn't say the pledge in school?

Down With USA

Well, not all of it. Lots of good people. Just this corporation that claiming to run it.

Yes Of Course

Very touchy topic to post about - well navigated and some new insights I didn't know. Enjoyed the read.

LOL OMG I am happy to see another who knows the truth! Resteemit for the others who know the truth to come follow you ;-)

The government and its policies are nothing but a farce that is slapped on the face of the public...whereas Country is a sacred unified bond between people and the reason worth to die for...

I never understood why I should be loyal to an imaginary entity that aims to reinforce tribalism.

and violence... but other than that and whole taxation thing... and the fiat currency as debt thing... and (insert long list of grievances similar to the Declaration of Independence here).... this place is totally awesome.

The US is a corporation. As are the UK, the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Germany) and all other western states. Their capitals, District of Columbia, London, Berlin are independent corporations.

The court systems, citizenships, birth certificates etc are subject to corporate law. However, corporate law is contractual. Unless a contract with a legal entity is signed by a person (the name that represents a natural human being), no charges, either taxes, fines or other obligations can be enforced. Corporate law is based on Maritime law, hence the Dock in a court, the citizenSHIP, etc.

There is much more to it than meets the eye. We are far from independent as human beings. The state is knowingly exploiting the ignorance of the people for labor/taxes and other charges.

Liberty is the unimpeded act of making decisions for oneself without imposing harm on someone else.

Good reminder of our the illusionary state we call independence even today.
Big subject.

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

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Great post! and school is not the only place where we are indoctrinated. Before every sporting event we have to pay tribute to all of the mindless murderers that have rescued us from all of the evil people overseas that are trying to attack us because they hate our freedoms

I think nowadays its way less of being governed and way more of being ruled. And we are okay with that, as long as people who agree with us are the ones ruling. There are so many of those in the ruling class that think freedom is whatever they define it to be in accordance with the rules they want to enforce (which they then dont have to abide by), while not really understanding what freedom truly is. "Liberty and Justice for all", not just those that share our viewpoint.

Great post keep it buddy

Don't forget, "under God" was not part of the original pledge. It was added in 1954 in an attempt to create a separation of the US from "godless commies". The original pledge was written by Francis Bellamy who later recounted that he wanted it to invoke allegiance, a word meaning loyalty. Be recanting the pledge over and over, you are conditioning loyalty without question. But, if you made it to the bottom of the original post and are not fuming, red-faced, and spitting patriotic epithets at @aggroed, you know that you need to question everything. But why-oh-why would the government want you to not question your loyalty (add snarky intonation)?

*Edit - a source about adding "under god" to the pledge http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-man-who-wrote-the-pledge-of-allegiance-93907224/

Awesome Aggroed. It is always exciting to see other people with their eyes open. I was at a camp ground this weekend and we went to the fireworks. We love them but the speech before almost made me sick. Sometimes I just want to ask these people if they really believe the stuff they are spewing. Always glad to know another person who can see the truth. Thanks,

thanks for this nice post @aggroed

God Bless the PEOPLE of America! 😉

Was just talking about the pledge with a friend of mine and we discussed that it was nuts how we recited the pledge as early as 1st grade. We memorized and rehearsed something that we didn't even know what the true meaning behind it was. Pretty crazy to think about

Are there examples of this being effectively argued in court? From what I know of "sovereign citizens", their in-courtroom batting average is not so great.

I've done it. I have a post somewhere. Got a court in NYC to abandon my case.

Ah, I'd be interested to check that out. Unfortunately, the ones that make the news tend to be a bit nutty. I recall one was squatting inside a home for sale and thinking a lack of jurisdiction over them meant they could do that indefinitely...some northeastern state, if I recall correctly.

That's intentional to ridicule what is truth.

namaste!@ancap47 posted a video yesterday, by Larsen Rose. like to share.

Oh Oh Oh What a post @aggroed

I'v actually found the nationality a bit of a weird standard, sure we differ from each others with our customs we grow up with. But fundamentally we are all of the same being. And things like religion and nationality often bring a lot of hate towards one another simply for having a different view on things. I just don't see the point of it.. Let everyone have their own opinions, but don't go force it on someone else, and be sure that what you believe is your thought and not that one has told you (like a pledge 250x a year pff, should be tiring..)

This public schooling approach is a weapon of mass destruction . It makes you see another fractal of the great spirit embodied in your fellow man as "the other." You can kill the other, but you wouldn't kill a fractal of yourself.

The education system in general feels like a death sentence to a childs aspirations. As it only tells you what to do instead of asking what you want to learn..

and yeah, "them vs us" strategy

Once scotus ruled that the state had no duty to protect there could be no citizens.


Being Anti-Government Does Not Mean I am Anti-American... We have to Defend the freedoms we have or we will lose them.

Great post helpie :)

You had me at Americate... Great post mate

great post thanks a lot
thank you for your excellent bot , its a great idea
following you

@aggroed folks like you give me hope for humanity. Keep doing what you're doing!