The king of self-vote continue to be @dobartim. Even after trying months of comments back and forth (I honestly do not know how @pharesim manages it!)
He continue to self vote 26% and another 20% goes to 3 @slowwalker accounts; @oldstone, @wisdomjustice
The un-yielding stupidity of this whole thing is mind boggling! @nomadsoul. See if you and @acidyo can do something about it.
I know quite a few 100% self voters, just because slowwalker has huge SP, most only see them.
Small 100% voters are less relevant to the reward pool (not supporting the behavior, mind you, just saying the result of the action). Also mostly commenting about @dobartim's behavior. Slowwalker's voting pattern is actually better, relatively speaking. This is a sensitive topic so I prefer not to have any misunderstanding and miscommunication.