stock cat photo by Skitterphoto obtained from Pexels
Friends. Countrymen. Lend me your ears!
First battle share here. Not gonna lie, I do not have a feral spirit, so I rented myself a beautiful alpha card off of Peak Monsters. At Lvl 2, this Feral Spirit was not rocking it in Gold League, but it finally found its place in a matchup against a Fire splinter team.
Rule Set: Up Close & Personal
- Chaos Knight - keeping the back line in the back
- Shieldbearer - taunt to give Chaos Knight a little more time to let the back line do its job
- Disintegrator - weaken the blows expected in this melee-only rule set
- Feral Spirit - nip off Magnor's toes
- Stitch Leech - the business end of the backline
- Uraeus - another toe nipper, slower than feral spirit, but one armor to soak a hit
How did it go down:
- Round 1: our eponymous Feral Spirit gets first blood by nogging Magnor for 1. By the end of the round Magnor ends at 4HP with our Shieldbearer at 3.
- Round 2: Magnor and our Shieldbearer go down while the Feral Spirit makes a narrow dodge of the Battering Ram
- Round 3: After some back and forth, this round ends with 3 monsters each and our poor Feral Spirit is lost to the Serpentine Spy
- Round 8: After some nailbiting back-and-forths, our Disintegrator closes the match with a Trample kill and 2HP.
Thanks for watching. My core takeaway from this is actually about Taunt. I frequently see taunt creatures leading the front line with the intent of protecting the back line. I think this underutilizes the ability. Especially in upper levels where even the most robust creature can be melted if all 6 opposing creatures target it. By having taunt in the second (or further back) position, you give your tank a little more breathing room and achieve two key things: 1) your backline will get a little extra time before the Snipe/Opportunity/Sneak (SOS) creatures come for your backline and 2) more likely to put your opponent in a non-optimal damage allocation.
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