QiQi Learns To Ride a Bike With No Training Weels In The Rain!

in #play7 years ago

QiQi is at it again!

She has learned how to ride a bike without any training weels and it only took a couple hours of trying! On top of that she can already do it in the rain!

In truth she would have learned a long time ago likely but we dont really have any pavement or driveway for riding so was no real opportunity to do so. Here you can see she is using just a tiny little space that is available. 

Not only is the space small but its mostly all crowded so there is just a little narrow path for her to navigate. Yet as you can see here she is doing just fine and has not crashed or fallen once!

She knows how to steer, break and even how to catch her self if she looses balance! No fear, no problem!

Every day I am amazing by her awareness, responsibility and capability. The only reason she doesnt know how to do a lot more is because she is busy learning other things! Only so much time in every day. 

This is why standardized education or tests are so silly. Everyone is different and everyone learns best when doing something of real interest. 

Every day she is interested in something new and LEARNS IT! Its only a matter of time before she has a huge set of skills and abilities. 

These pictures are precious and life in The Garden of Eden is  the safest, happiest and healthiest I have seen. Yet so many people are  still giving QiQi me and the fellow members at The Garden of Eden flack for being at peace with nudity.  It is our hope that a community as revolutionary as Steemit could  realize that nudity is as natural as eating. We are all born naked and  all created naked. The Garden of Eden  is not a nudist community it is just a community of people who do not  judge, control, manipulate or force. It is a community of people who  care for each other and trust each other. It is a place where people are  free to be without fear of what others will think or do.  The problem with nudity is not nudity at all but fear, judgement and  perversion. I have talked to QiQi about this before and she fully  comprehends. She knows that we are not "allowed" to be naked in public  or risk JAIL. Its serious and pathetic. Yet she still has no shame or  fear about it and has said many times that she believe it is ok to be naked and wants to help people heal and be at peace with it.  In truth we wouldn't be able to share almost any photos at all of the  children as they are naked all the time because they prefer it and are  safe and protected to be.  You can disagree with us all you want but please refrain judgment and  attack. This is a conscious decision for the greater good. We are  helping heal the world of trauma and disconnect. If you were to see how  happy, conscious, healthy and capable the children are you would see  that life in The GOE is safe, honest, responsible, healthy and very  happy.  What more could one ask for? We do hope people will recognize this though the truth is we have  been living true despite the world around us for a very long time. Our  life would not be special if we didnt and we are not about to stop now.  We truly hope that people will be able to respect and support our true  being as we truly support the freedom of others while also feeding tens  of thousands of free meals a year to people who are almost all living  lives we disagree with. Yet we do it anyways! 

I hope you begin to get a glimpse in to the natural life of freedom  we enjoy in The Garden of Eden and get a taste of what it is like to  live in a community of people supporting and protecting each other.  I @quinneaker created  this account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to give QiQi a way to be  be responsible for supporting her own dreams  and desires.  She fully comprehends and is excited to work for and create things for her self   she wants. She wants an Ipad to create art with, make videos, and research her interests. She is  already learning sign language as well  as  new songs every day. I will be posting her chosen content  and  perspective as well as represent for her here, having  sole control of   the account and all  activity on it. I have done this  because of the  laws of children  having social media  accounts and  access. This is set  up in trust for her future and thus    must  survive to be of any  worth. She has decided to power up all SP  to   make Steemit better  and to invest in  her future trust.  All liquid Steem will be put  twords her Ipad or the dolls that she wants. She  will trade that Steem  to a   Steemian in  exchange for the ipad when she saves enough.  She is already  working on more art pieces, as she says "I love making  Steemit  posts." This account is intended to give QiQi a creative outlet  and opportunity to make her own way and  achieve her dreams. 

Until Next Time SteemOn!


So free and so capable!

Hi @qiqi-power I think it's so interesting what you are doing promoting your community and exposing how it really works, showing outsiders that it is a safe place to be. The world would be a better place if it was all a Garden of Eden. I visited the website, looks amazing.

Looking forward to learn more about your community.




Thanks for the comment, interest and support!

Hope to see you around!

She looks so wonderfully free and happy!

I read the second to last paragraph with interest... where you mention that you have received flak regarding nudity.

I find that such a shame. It makes me sad when people feel that the naked body is not natural and should be hidden.

Seeing QiQi here reminds me of when we lived in Portugal. The hot weather there (compared to the cold weather in the UK) meant that our 3 boys were just naked ALL the time. It was amazing (and so much less washing to do haha!).


I totally agree. It is a shame especially when its children. We are all made naked and born naked.

Beng naked is not only nice but as you say so much less washing! That saves a lot of energy and resources on clothes and washing of clothes alike.

Thanks for the comment.

Live free ! Be free and happy ! You are very lucky !👍👍👍✌👌

Bless it be~*~