[ESP/ENG] Limpiando alrededor de esta hermosa planta/ Cleaning around this beautiful plant.

in #plants15 days ago
Authored by @Danieldrawing


Buen dia amigos, espero la estén pasando muy bien, el dia de hoy les hablaré sobre esta bella planta, toco limpiarla ya que algunas plantas de maleza estaban a su alrededor.

Lleva por nombre árbol de la felicidad y las podemos encontrar de diferentes formas y tamaños, puede alamacenar agua en sus hojas.

Yo la mantengo en tierra firme aunque tambien se adaptan en porrón, incluso dentro del hogar funciona muy bien.

Algo que mantiene ella es ese hermoso verdor en sus hojas y destaca mucho, algunas visitas quedan encantadas con ella.

Tengo varios planes con algunas de ellas y es crear arte, pero para eso debo ser paciente y trabajarlas poco a poco ya que es necesario para que salga bien.

Good morning friends, I hope you are having a great time, today I will talk to you about this beautiful plant, I have to clean it since some weed plants were around it.

It is called the tree of happiness and we can find it in different shapes and sizes, it can collect water in its leaves.

I keep it on dry land although they also adapt to pochards, even inside the home it works very well.

Something that it maintains is that beautiful greenery in its leaves and it stands out a lot, some visitors are delighted with it.

I have several plans with some of them and it is to create art, but for that I have to be patient and work on them little by little since it is necessary for it to turn out well.



Debemos tener cuidado con las hormigas que siempre andan al acecho, las arañas y gusanos tambien hacen de las suyas bien sea comiendo las hojas o haciendo hogar.

Podemos trabajarlas cortando esquejes poco a poco y dandole la forma deseada, tambien no se deben descuidar con el riego de agua ya que ellas lo necesitan.

Espero siga formandose y si están en tierra firme debemos mantenerlas limpias y sin nada a su alrededor.

Teléfono: A20

We must be careful with the ants that are always lurking, spiders and worms also do their thing, either eating the leaves or making homes.

We can work with them by cutting cuttings little by little and giving them the desired shape. We should also not neglect watering them since they need it.

I hope it continues to form and if they are on dry land we must keep them clean and with nothing around them.

Telephone: A20