[ESP/ENG] Época del tamarindo y los tomates/ Tamarind and tomato season.

in #plants6 months ago
Authored by @Danieldrawing


Buen dia amigos, hoy les hablaré de algunas plantas que se dan en esta época del año, aunque si le damos un buen cuidado, pueden hacerlo varias veces.

El clima calido y en algunas ocasiones tropical ayuda a que las plantas siempre estén florecidas y cargadas, otro dato importante son los animales polinizadores que trabajan diariamente.

El árbol de tamarindo es conocido por dar buena sombra y cargar muchos frutos que poseen propiedades beneficiosas para nuestro organismo, solo debemos saber preparar las recetas.

Los tómates son conocidos a nivel mundial y debemos darle mucha atención ya que es mas delicado y requiere de varias fumigaciones para alejar a los gusanos y moscas negras.

En mi hogar tengo varias de estas plantas y cada dia aprendo algo sobre ellas, si bien es cierto rl trabajo es mas intenso pero vale la pena.

Good morning friends, today I will talk to you about some plants that grow at this time of year, although if we give them good care, they can grow several times.

The warm and sometimes tropical climate helps the plants to always be in bloom and charged. Another important fact is the pollinating animals that work daily.

The tamarind tree is known for providing good shade and carrying many fruits that have beneficial properties for our body, we just have to know how to prepare the recipes.

Tomatoes are known worldwide and we must give them a lot of attention since they are more delicate and require several fumigations to keep away worms and black flies.

In my home I have several of these plants and every day I learn something about them, although it is true that the work is more intense but it is worth it.



Tenemos un clima bueno para la siembra y esta en nosotros saber aprovecharlo, muchos paises no pueden tener cosechas y es debido al frio que se lo impide.

La tierra que tenemos se presta para muchas cosechas, y estos árboles de tamarindo cargan en grandes cantidades, es satisfactorio recolectarlos.

Si sabemos trabajar la tierra les aseguro vamos a tener buenos resultados, consultemos con personas expertas y ellos nos ayudarán.

Teléfono: A20

We have a good climate for planting and it is up to us to take advantage of it. Many countries cannot have crops and it is due to the cold that prevents them from doing so.

The land we have lends itself to many crops, and these tamarind trees carry in large quantities, it is satisfying to harvest them.

If we know how to work the land, I assure you we will have good results. We consult with experts and they will help us.

Telephone: A20


Yeehaw! This post is as refreshing as a cool drink on a hot day! Keep tending those plants with care and the harvest will be bountiful. Happy farming, partner!

I take care of them very well friend, I have already harvested several fruits, greetings @cowboy.curator

Well howdy there, partner! Your care and harvestin' are mighty fine deeds. Keep watchin' over those fruits; good things take time to grow. Enjoy the peace yonder.