Just returned from work and there it was.... a small envelope with my name on it from Germany. Hmmm... Wonder what it could be ? :O
Nah, I already had a good idea of what I would find inside :)
So, what did it have inside? It had the gift...of life!
As you can see it's a letter and two packages with seeds, with my nickname (trumpman) on them. Technically, it's not a gift, it's just the seeds I received for participating in "plantbreeding@home", a steemit exclusive experiment run by @dysprosium. But the seeds came for free and that letter made everything feel really personal so yeah fuck it. It's a gift, ok?
As for plantbreeding@home, the ultimate goal if I get it right is to create a "new plant variety, using a big network of people ".
Here's the post that started everything 7 months ago (fuck, time flies!) and here are the subsequent updates that led to this really exciting day:
- plantbreeding@home #1 - The Beginning
- plantbreeding@home #2 - We will breed peppers!
- plantbreeding@home #3 - it is decided!
- plantbreeding@home #4 - Meet the parents!
- plantbreeding@home #5 - Small setbacks
- plantbreeding@home #6 - Let's grow!
- plantbreeding@home #7 Spring is here, spring is heeeeere!
As for the actual experiment, the first thing we have to do is germinate the seeds:
" Most importantly: For the project, there is no requirement of a certain way to raise your plants. Whether you want to do it in pots, plant them into your garden (note that peppers do not tolerate frost!), plant them in a hydroponic system - this does not matter. As long as they grow, you are set!"
And after that just take care of the plants and send some measurements to @dysprosium:
" What I would like to introduce at this point are optional and requiredmeasuring points. There will be very few required measurements, as this project should be easy and fun without much hassle. Therefore there are in addition optional measurements, for the more science-enthusiastic! :) As a little motivation I'd like to say this much: There will be a prize in Gridcoin (or alternatively SBD) for people who collected all optional data points!"
Yeah, you read that right! He will even reward us with Gridcoins for a job well done! And I plan to publish my updates here on steemit too so I will be getting two of my favorite cryptos (steem and gridcoin) for something that I do every year for free regardless.. That's what I call... the art of the deal:
As for the plants, they are two small pepper varieties. You can read all the details about the parent plants here, so if all goes well I guess my final plants will look something like this...
(credit @dysprosium)
and this...
(credit @dysprosium)
Thanks @dysprosium for letting me into the team! These seeds made a long journey from Germany and you have already put too much work and love into this project. I promise, I will take good care of them and give them lot's of love!
I am super excited and tomorrow I will go and buy some new brand pots just for these plants. I have a garden but I will keep them in my balcony to keep them protected from diseases and pests from surrounding plants.
Oh yeah, I think the project is still going on so don't hesitate to leave a comment in his blog at https://steemit.com/@dysprosium if you want to join too!
Thanks again!
P.S: If you don't know what Gridcoin/GRC is please click here! In short, it's the only crypto that actually makes the world a better place, helping solve problems like cancer/AIDs/Ebola/Malaria, mapping the Milkyway, searching for extraterrestrial life, protein folding, etc).
Dear Trumpman,
I am honoured! It really boosts my motivation to see people equally enthusiastic about the plantbreeding@home project, this is science like it should be - a collective endeavour! Thanks a bunch!
Now enough with the exclamation marks!
Thanks again (!),
Can I still be in on the project? I am a botanist/plant enthusiast and this kind of thing excites me.
Hey @gentleshaid,
you can! It might take longer for you to receive seeds, as all the seeds I had left are distributed and I have to see if I can buy some more at the original vendors. Also, Import-regulations can be tricky. But if you just send me an email to plantbreedingathome@posteo.de , with your name, nickname and adress, I'll see if I can get some more seeds to you. Your data will of course be safe with me, I will neither use it or share it. Would be nice to have you participating in the project as well! :)
Awesome. Would do that right away. Thanks for the consideration.
Yes, you're just lucky! Steemit will give young sprouts on your balcony this year))) On your experience, it will be possible to organize an international exchange of seeds.

I can share tomatoes, here are some of them:
All these are yours? Good job human!
Yes of course. That's not all. This is the last season.
This post was upvoted by Steemgridcoin with the aim of promoting discussions surrounding Gridcoin and science.
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Have a nice day. :)
Woot! Thanks!
Another good side of our world. I am proud for people searching how to be a voluntier and how to make our world better...
I just want to eat free peppers. Ho ho :P
Wait is this a name reveal for trumpman?
Oh well, forgot to remove that one 😂😂😂😂
I am amazed you didn't flag my comment to oblivion 😂😂😂😂
My stupidity is not your fault 😅😅
Next time you ask for drug seeds delivered by mail you don't have to make a post about it!
Oops! You told them it was pepper seeds. Sorry! whistles indifferently
Oh! It's funny ... The other day, I had a great time recovering the pepper seeds that I bought and put them in jars. I'm still waiting a little because I'm afraid itwould be a little cold. But I will replant on my terrace (I live in an apartment) I have unfortunately no garden: -s
I hope it will be good. Good luck for @trumpman's regrowth
That is awsome. I hope they are delicious.
you are delicious!
I find this hard to fap to
Hard to or impossible?
i am twice as delicious!
I wonder what @onceuponatime has to say about that !
da fuck does he know!
I really had to hold myself back here. I made a gif from silence of the lambs with buffalo bill dancing but i didn't figure you wanted a naked guy dancing with his wiener tucked between his legs. So i went with a meme response
Please proceed with the wiener man
Waiting for mine too!
Fuck it Trump. I never knew this kind of project is going on via steemit. I felt I've missed out on something cool. I am in the tropics and growing the variety here might go a long way as well. The link you dropped only took me to @dysprosium page and not to the original article. I will glad if I can still be in on the project.
And this has what to do with Gridcoin? Ummm , absolutely nothing.
Just because Gridcoin rewards contributions of processing work units for science does not mean this should be attached or tagged Gridcoin.
Yes its great you are Dr. Green thumb etc but it seems a little out of place and unnecessary to tag it and clutter up the feeds people want to read actually related to Gridcoin. How about I post my pot plants and every time I germinate and state new plants since it's legal here in Washington state and Boinc projects can relate to science/medical and math since it's all used in growing marijuana and then tag it GRIDCOIN to show everybody what I can grow? Seems more like attention whoring. Not trying to discourage your interest nor anybody else's in growing herbs but FFS this is just spam imo.
Are your plants connected to some sensors and this is something like quakecatcher.net or radioactiveathome.org ( both not whitelisted projects anyways ) and processing work units as they grow?People work hard posting calculations for staking and CPU/GPU expected magnitude per each project and team stats etc that actually are related to Boinc and Gridcoin , this is not.
users who take measurements as the plants grow will be eligible for gridcoin rewards, much like in boinc.
If you don't like it flag it. And if you actually take the time to read the post and the ones I have linked then you would know this whole plantbreeding@home idea was essentially born out of the gridcoin community and I believe some gridcoin users might be interested as they have expressed interest before. Or maybe not. Stop being butthurt and jelly, asshole.
This project could maybe fit within AS3 I've described here. Not developed yet, though.