This is one of my favorite subjects, thanks for posting, @taxidermy183
I think about those deep sea vents, where they did not expect to find life. Crushing pressure, no life fueling sunlight, and what did they find? Life. A different type of life. John Varley, one of my favorite speculative fiction writers envisioned giant gaseous beings from the gas giants, Saturn & Jupiter. In other words, it's speciocentric of us to assume that life only occurs within our mechanic or chemistry.
Image from Pixbay by Skeeze
Carbon lifeforms will most likely be found in the Goldilocks zone, I can only imagine what other life forms could exist out there. In fact, the 'Verse could be teeming with all kinds of life. Hopefully, just not Mynocks. What a pain in the butt THOSE things would be!
Image from Wookiepedia