Scientific studies have shown that climate change is a serious reality and that the pollution we generate could be endangering our planet. Control over carbon emissions can improve the situation, but there are many people who do not want a change because it is not beneficial for them, especially those who control energy sources. But there is also a group of people who simply believe that it is a lie of scientists. They are often referred to as conspirators, and these are their theories.
«It is a term created by the Chinese»
Because it is such a broad topic, there are different positions in this regard. Undoubtedly one of the best known is that disseminated by Donald Trump. China is the market that probably contaminates the most, because they have a huge population. What these people think is that China created this term so that foreign industries are not so competitive and stay with the market.
«It serves to put more taxes»
Millions of dollars from governments have been spent on technology and research related to climate change. For many people, this means that money was obtained from their pockets to go to the hands of rich people.
«The United States does it to get into our countries»
One of the arguments is that the United States spreads climate change to be able to enter the countries. Convince them that they need help and thus take away sovereignty. The only current problem with this argument is that the president actually denies climate change.
«It exists, but it is natural»
Another position does not completely deny climate change, but says it has nothing to do with human activity. It is something that will happen anyway and we can not stop it. Policies against climate change are only to control us more.
The main problem with these theories is that scientific information is left out. They are taking it for granted that most of the world's scientists are lying or do not know what they are doing. That is a big problem, because you are relying only on the theories and not on the background investigation.
yeah...climate is changing.......we are responsible for this.
now cars are growing 10 times faster than us.