Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Redemption

in #plandemic3 years ago (edited)


“I'm tired of this back-slappin', “Isn't humanity neat!” bullshit. We're a virus with shoes.” ― Bill Hicks, comedic genius 💜

I can feel myself reaching breaking point with this rapidly-escalating Totalitarian Tiptoe shit. Can't you? The 'nudges', the corruption, the abusive, coercive control; the obeisance, the compliance and the short-sighted, cowardly, self-serving lack of integrity... It's ALL got to GO, and IT WILL.

Steel which has spent a lifetime being forged is unsheathed and readier to cut through the bullshit than ever before. Those who mean harm have pushed swathes of us too far, and massive action WILL be taken to rebalance and move evolution forward. Not because I say so, but because that’s how real life - the mechanisms of Nature - WORKS.

I’d strongly advise people NOT to hassle me with Covicult NONsense and fear-mongering - they may not like the response. I am tempered and ready to unleash upon anyone who comes at me with their dis-eased thinking and actions. My compassion and understanding towards the architects and minions of destruction are running seriously thin right now and I make no apology for that. Be respectful, and we will be fine, but rattle your dumbass Plandemic sabre in my face while I'm minding my business? That I will not tolerate. AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU.

I KNOW from personal experience how hard it is to extricate oneself from an abusive or co-dependent relationship. But for the love of all that's good, these people are NOT your FRIEND/BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND/WIFE/HUSBAND/SIBLING or PARENT, and you are NOT A CHILD. REAL children are being targeted and harmed, in myriad, twisted ways. Your job as an adult is to protect them, not to use them as a shield, and certainly not to allow anti-life eugenicists to wage war upon their innocence. The patterns are undoubtedly hard to see and break, but your authenticity, your ancestors and future generations are depending upon you to do it. The policies, actions and agendas of the so-called 'leaders' of men are KILLING your FRIEND/BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND/WIFE/HUSBAND/SIBLING/PARENTS AND YOUR CHILDREN, right now.

You may choose to stand aside while the elderly and the vulnerable are being culled, but know that your inaction is ON YOU. Ignorance and order-following are not reasonable excuses, not when the full realisation of your own complicity hits you. YOU must live with the choices you made and the actions you failed to take...

It's high time to realise that each and every one of us holds the cure for our own sickness, which has been visited upon us because of our individual and collective irresponsibility. It's not our fault - we have been wilfully subverted since birth - but it IS 100% OUR RESPONSIBILITY to see the direction that obeisance to 'authority' is taking us in, and to STOP COMPLYING with that which falsifies us!!!!

Yes, it's tragic that we’ve been lied to; that we’ve fallen for the scam to whatever degree we have; that people truly believe themselves to be dependent upon and beholden to 'governments' and lobbyists and so-called 'authorities' of whatever kind they kowtow to. But ONLY YOU can save yourself. If that sounds harsh, it is spoken with LOVE, and I know how much the truth about all of this hurts. But I will not lie to you. Lying is not kind - the notion that we must be protected from uncomfortable truths is yet another LIE - and it only prolongs the suffering of ALL beings on this planet. Just like Nature, Love can be forceful. Love doesn't always just stand by mopping your brow and holding your hand. Sometimes it shakes you and implores you to WAKE THE FUCK UP and BE YOURSELF, not a slave to a system that is whipping your ass and robbing you blind 24/7.

*It's time for us ALL to step up to the plate and RISE ABOVE the tyranny, racketeering and extortion.

"OUR LEADERS ARE MISLEADERS," Jordan Maxwell once said. If you can't see that now, you are running out of time here.
Politicians and their flunkies are heads of an insane, people-eating hydra. Even those who retain a modicum of morality are unable to function in a life-serving manner because corruption is systemic. Left and right are two wings of the self same bird, a distraction to give the illusion of choice. 'Divide and rule' is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it's time to GROW UP and see through it.

Sure, the visionaries of this world will champion human rights as you fiddle on the deck of the Tyrannytanic, but wouldn’t you rather be amongst their number - riding the wave of consciousness towards the shore of FREEDOM?

At any moment, you can choose to STOP being part of the problem; to STOP being a virus with shoes. Turn away from helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness. Face and embody the sun of your being, and BE THE BEAUTIFUL, AWE-INSPIRING, FULLY FUNCTIONAL CURE that models another way…




Hey there this is @truthforce writing.

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Hi, @truthforce. I wasn't really aware of those tags, but will look into that, thank you.

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I'll check it out, thanks. And I do use Hivesigner 😊