It's high time to realise that each and every one of us holds the cure for our own sickness, which has been visited upon us because of our individual and collective irresponsibility. It's not our fault - we have been wilfully subverted since birth - but it IS 100% OUR RESPONSIBILITY to see the direction that obeisance to 'authority' is taking us in, and to STOP COMPLYING with that which falsifies us!!!!
There's pretty much nothing I disagree with here except perhaps the word 'irresponsibility'!
I’d strongly advise people NOT to hassle me with Covicult NONsense and fear-mongering - they may not like the response.
Dem sounds like fightin' words.
At any moment, you can choose to STOP being part of the problem; to STOP being a virus with shoes. Turn away from helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness. Face and embody the sun of your being, and BE THE BEAUTIFUL, AWE-INSPIRING, FULLY FUNCTIONAL CURE that models another way…
Dem sounds like assumptions.
It sounds to me like you are seeing 'US' vs 'Them', as well as seeing RED (at least in this post).
I came across an interesting discussion recently, prob. the best high-level analysis of the 'mass psychology' at work that I've come across so far. As per the discussion, one's level of Intelligence has nothing to do with it! Rather it's about a new social bond which alleviates the sense of alienation/loneliness/isolation (relieves Anxiety, basically) amongst those who subscribe to the 'narrative' of Pandemic. By visual signals such as masking (also the US and THEM fake feelgood vibe of ostracising those who challenge the narrative coz that upsets their newfound wellbeing) are able to feel a sense of community which was previously lacking. My cheapskate summary doesn't do the discussion remote justice btw!
Thing is, to my mind, this Fear-Based Groupthink works on BOTH ends of the spectrum of Belief vs Scepticism and all the way up, including here on Hive. I reckon it must do so, coz we are collectively having THE Human Experience and have such fear-based 'groupthink' tendencies in common (not our fault, as you say, we are thus conditioned from birth!). Besides, I certainly have noticed in the pLandemic side of the discussion - here on Hive - such evidences of fear-based groupthink as the US and THEM state of mind; of expressing anger at the ideological adversary (on Hive or far away in the narrow world of the 'Global Elites'); basically, expressing the energy of Blame (victimhood) rather than taking responsibility for oneself (these are opposite, right? Blame sez '-"someone else is responsible for how I am/feel etc").
"Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Own Redemption". what you title this page, whose paper seems to be smouldering with anger you have expressed and which I am acknowledging. I've felt shades of it myself!
The fear-based groupthink assumption that the only way 'OUT' is by taking sides is why I choose not to take sides.
Info can be shared from a neutral space. Challenges may be issued from that space too. Neutral for me means something like not embedding emotional charges into one's expression eg not gratifying anger even if 'Anger' be the subject of one's post. Doing so seems to produce reactions that have nothing to do with the issue at hand and instead just continue the same ol' game of fuck you... no fuck you! Those who control 'official' narratives always seem to have superior grade weapons in the material plane!
Where fear-based groupthink manifests in a sense of feeling better amongst those who 'think like you', it will also manifest many of the same conflictive aspects IMO, such as attacking; blaming, general ego-gratification etc etc. This is bound to produce emotional reactions which will likely ignore any message, for what is the 'message' of Anger but yet more of the same? It seems counter-productive.
It's been said many times by folk: A problem/issue cannot be resolved in the same state of consciousness in which it arose.
I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't do this or that. You do what you do, it's not my biz. Allz cool by me....just responding with thoughts that were triggered by reading your post.
Thank you for taking the time to offer your insights and responses, @barge. I don't have time to reply properly just now, but I will consider your points and watch the video you've linked to before getting back to you. All the best, Jay.