READ IT ALL! WAKE UP! i dont care if its painful!¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
READ IT ALL! WAKE UP! i dont care if its painful!¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
Great compilation and blog. If this place existed down the street just with those instagrams the police would investigate.
Saying it's too hard to talk about is BS. I'm a Mom and once I realized what Pizzagate was I have been diligent to try to find more links and let people know. Saying it is too hard to discuss is like knowing the holocaust is happening iand saying nothing. We have a moral obligation to speak out.
exactly my point. this is just as bad as the holocaust except this time they are only targeting children. wretched! the reason the police refuse to investigate is because of the absolute undeniable fact that they are in the pocket of the elite.
I was looking over your wordpress site again and very impressive compilation. You've probably already done this, but archive it!!!. You even removed the White =Virgin that someone added to a video. The evidence is damning enough without monkeying with it. Apparently there are other sites like Reality Calls that has all the pictures archived. There is a licensed private investigator looking into this that has information related to PG in more than one place. Also you need to add the fact the Comet Pizza couple now run a child care center in Oregon. One of the guys who makes the child size coffins. If its there I missed it. One more suggestion right were the Obama and child photo is add a link to the email about Stratfor and the $65,000 spent on pizza and hot dogs being flown into the White House.
thats not my site. but i just read it and needed to share it