They all just really like Pizza and Hot dogs?
Facebook have blocked me from using it for weeks at a time many times, I have a Facebook but i have not been able to access that page for months.. Facebook want me to provide photo I.D but I have no photo I.D. Fortunately I have multiple accounts so I use Facebook’s buy and sell sites to sell downloads and I use it for nothing else. I don’t add friends or start groups because Facebook oppress the truth and promote propaganda, so fuck Facebook, Steemit is better anyway.
When I share downloads and DVD for sale links on Facebook, I sometimes share a blog with it or a YouTube video as an example. I have been doing this for weeks and though Facebook clearly manipulate the pages it still brings people to my site.
A few days ago I written a blog and put a Pizzagate investigation documentary from YouTube on my website..I then shared it to about 35 buy and sell sites over the United Kingdom, I then logged out and did not try to log in until the next day…
I noticed on my website stats that despite sharing the link on my website to all these buy and sell sites (some pages have over 90000 members the average is about 25000 members per group) my site and the pages with the video and blog did not manage many hits which just made me assume Facebook had hidden my post, not surprised.
Until I tried to access Facebook later that day when the page shown below appears;
They literally banned me!!! If you have a Facebook that you would like to close just share Pizzagate shit because Facebook, YouTube and our media seem pretty desperate to keep this so called fake news from their services. Fake news real emails? Does that make sense?
Facebook have blocked me and stopped me accessing their site many times before but this time it appears they are not interested in photo I.D or blocking me for a month, they just don’t want me to use it again.. What’s there plan? Ban everyone that has the audacity to share videos they don’t like. Why don’t they like these videos? How do Facebook, YouTube and Google know this is fake news? And why do they seem to be doing everything in their power to stop Pizzagate spreading?
The media are telling us there has been no investigation but it has been debunked, how has it been debunked without an investigation? To me they seem scared so the question is why are they scared? They will happily promote government war mongering propaganda that leads to wars and death of civilians but they oppress people calling for a investigation in to Pizzagate? Why?
Maybe they didn't like it hitting buy and sell sites because a lot of people that know very little about it use them? Just a guess though. Try it.
I posted one time about PG on FB and was told by a friend I shouldn't be proposing such conspiracies. I was like no, this needs to be investigated. Not surprised though. I have had posts before where they just disappeared the next day. I wonder if my PG is still even on my page. I wanted to do a series taking about different facts of PG, but may just try to tell a few close friends in person.
For real? I've been talking about it on facebook for weeks. There's even a group called #Pizzagate constantly posting about it.