Ritual Abuse in a ring of UN-Tavistock-Military related Orgs/Foundations Pt. 1

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

An anon came forward with this statement:

"I experienced ritual abuse, or MKULTRA type abuse. I saw the trafficking of children in cages myself. I saw murder. I was given drugs and I experienced near-drowning. I saw others tortured and die. I saw rape, experienced sexual abuse. I was used in child porn. I saw birth, I saw abortion. I saw people cut open, I saw worse.

I was electroshocked and I was terrified of masks, and people in costumes. I was utterly traumatized to the point that I had hysterical fits that looked like seizures. I was to the point of being in altered states with names. I thought I had a different family. My life has been severely affected by these events. Years of time have been taken away from me by regression and PTSD/DID."

Anon submitted the following drawings made as a child, as well as excerpts from medical records and an EEG reading as a small [token] (http://archive.is/8oGbX ) of proof:

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Do not ask for any more proof as none will be given. The story is much bigger than anon.

Spanning from Anon’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA taking place at institutions ranging from Harbin Hot Springs and Esalen Institute in CA through Ecstatic living, HAI Global and the Human Potential Movement through to The Haven in Canada, Findhorn in Scotland and more. These organizations are tied via the International Holistic Centers Gathering to the United Nations via the Findhorn Foundation, GEN, and Kitezh orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. They also share mutual ties and ancestry through the Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN.

The groups are deeply interconnected which makes explaining the tangled ball of yarn which connects them more of an arduous task. The Ecstatic Living "sacred sex" seminar group Teaches as the main campuses discussed. They are also all part of "The Centers Gathering." There is more than one thread between all of them, and many between each campus.

This may be a piece of the architecture behind pizzagate.

Recommended reading order:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation ->
GEN/GAIA -> Ark.


Ecstatic Living

The Haven

International Holistic Centers Gathering

Findhorn Foundation



This is only the beginning.


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Image from Harbin's Facebook Page, titled:" Rituals, seasonal rejuvenation and rebirth are around the bend. Everything will eventually come around, full circle."

Anon's testimony led us to investigating Harbin Hot Springs - however we wish to make very clear that we are not tying their medical records directly to this establishment, or to any current or former employees.

When we looked into Harbin, we noticed that multiple people seemed to have left comments on social media describing sexual or even MKULTRA style abuse, some of which was strikingly similar to what anon had experienced.

Donald Hamrick owned Harbin for a number of years, running a commune there known as "Harbinger." This commune is a different group than that which owns the property today.

Information Obtained from wikibin on Hammrick:

DONALD JAMES HAMRICK - Possible CIA connection

Frontiers of Science Fellowship (F.O.S.F.) was founded by Donald James Hamrick (born December 13, 1935), in 1967. The fellowship was initially located at Redwood Drive, in San Rafael. Hamrick obtained a resort property, in 1967. As the property had been vandalized, much restoration was required. The resort was converted into a commune named Harbinger (Harbinger Community), for a core group of between 120 and 140 people. Harbinger became the new home for Frontiers of Science Fellowship, from 1967 to 1969. The Harbinger facility was located on 1,085 acres, in Lake County, California, about 100 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Harbinger University
Introduction to Harbinger University
(written by Donald James Hamrick, 1968)

Don Hamrick, as a pilot, flew a Cessna Twin C1J from one destination to another, 23 - 24 times per month, for a sold year and a half, from 1967 to 1969. He was usually accompanied by Owen Jones, one of the three directors, for Frontiers of Science Fellowship. Owen was also a physicist and pilot.

A number of scientists were on board. More particularly, Alan Schein, a chemist and chemistry teacher, and Don Hamrick, invested much time and effort together, developing cost-effective metallurgical means to extract platinum from tailings.

With his physics background, Hamrick had previously been responsible for the research and development, and the patent filing, of a number of highly sophisticated medical, musical (sound, switching), and machining apparatus and methodologies. Owned by scientific companies and laboratories, none of the patents were filed by him personally.

Life Style Research
In 1968, Psychology Today Magazine sent out journalist, Tim Thompson, to spend a number of days living at Harbinger ..... Cothing was optional, There was one large clothes closet for everyone living on site.

He (Hamrick) also employed techniques of meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis and intent which he had gathered from reading the writings of Carlos Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Dr. John C. Lilly, M.D., Stanislav Grof, Dr. Walter Panke, M.D., Dr. Dennis Kelsey, Ph.D., and the efforts of Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Steven Gaskin
Steven was a friend and frequent visitor to Harbinger. Steven was the founder of very successful, still existent, "The Farm" commune.

National Council of Churches

This organization actually financially supported Hamrick for encouraging youth to use meditation as an alternative to drug use. A delegation stayed at Harbinger Community for one week, to exchange with participants and to experience daily life.

The Glide Foundation

The Glide Foundation's mission statement is to alleviate suffering and to break the cycles of poverty. Hamrick provided a series of lecture series through this foundation. (See the reference to this series above)

Louis R. Mobley, IBM

Louis R. Mobley (Lou Mobley) was a friend of Hamrick's and an executive with IBM. Lou visited Harbinger on many occasions. He recruited Hamrick to speak to executives concerning executive development. Hamrick was often known to say that there were things more worth developing than executives.

Harbinger was situated on the extensive Pomo Indian land of northern California. Native people frequently visited the Harbinger facility.

Wikibin References Harbinger Community, 1967 - 1969,




Obtaining and maintaining Harbinger was possible through Hamrick's contribution of funds from the sale of his company, the Syndyne Corporation.Archive

This is extremely significant because we have seen time and time again that aviation and child trafficking go hand in hand. Allegations of abuse and of Hammrick's involvement with the CIA go along with an association between he and flying and the "small landing strip" Harbin utilized, in an extremely isolated rural area. "Located four miles (6 km) from a major road, situated amongst of forest, meadows and rolling hills." Harbin is still so isolated that visitors to this day are told that they will have no cell service or wifi while visiting. There is also currently a strict security presence guarding the entrance by outsiders. Why is this necessary if it's only a nudist hippy spa?

Questions then arise as to the nature of the Syndyne corporation and their relationship with Hammrick.

Proof Hammrick was involved with Syndyne Corp: His Patent.






This Appears to be Hammrick's website.

There were also monthly financial contributions from the National Council of Churches,
as well as lecture circuit donations, donations from participants and visitors, donations raised during musical benefits, and personal contributions from musicians performing there.

With access to an on-site airplane landing strip, Frontiers of Science Fellowship purchased a Cessna Twin 310J airplane, for Hamrick, and another Harbinger director, both pilots, to fly to and from lecture halls, on almost a daily basis.

Approximately 15 of the full-time participants were children and toddlers, who were cared for by multiple adults. When children were ready, schooling was provided onsite, by accredited teachers.

From Archive

Frontiers of Science Fellowship


Celestial Synapse Archive

Brian Lund Archive

Supporting further investigation into these questions about the nature of Harbin's origins as the possibly CIA run "Harbinger," an official Harbin Youtube shows the following comments that imply Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative.

The following testimonies are posted in full:

In response to an excerpt of praise by Hamrick's wife, Jennifer:
"Curious. Where is the info that "hubby" had worked with the CIA and mind control, that HARBINGER COMMUNE was an experiment conceived by the CIA under "OPERATION CHAOS" using a prolific amount of drugs provided by them to the commune and HAMRICK was at the center of their OPERATION? Hubby abandoned his 4 children to be raised by his ex with NO support ever from him (HAMRICK) in a seedy section of OAKLAND where both his very young daughters were vulnerable to various sickos, one of which worked at a military institution and repeatedly beat up the youngest daughter and used her as his sex object from age 11. This was, of course, while "hubby" the "loving and loveable hip hippy" was screwing every young girl he could "charismatically" get in bed. What a sanitized version Jennifer presents. HAMRICH was often heard to tout the 3rd REICH and HITLER as a great leader and whose political program (read: world conquest and death program) only needed greater world-wide support. What do you wanna bet that Lennon, the DEAD, Guthrie, Ritchie Havens, Bowie and all the rest knew NOTHING of any of this?"

In response to the Califias Blogspot:

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Comment by beersheva on November 8, 2015 at 6:33 PM:

"I know of personally, that Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative, his "handler" was LOU MOBLEY, ex IBM Vice-President, and that Hamtick frequently saw Marion Pettie (of the FINDERS) at the Harbinger Commune.

Hamrick was NOT independently wealthy but was provided all the money he needed, along with any and all drugs used at the commune, as part of the ongoing CIA operation known as CHAOS.

Hamrick took me to a remote area one day, in an area I believe was close to San Luis Obispo, where a silo existed.

He took me to the entrance, where another CIA agent and Don injected me with drugs which allowed them to control me, I was taken underground where I observed many young human children and animals, in cages, where they were being experimented on, primarily MIND CONTROL experiments.

My memory was concealed from me by some type of Mind-Control technique that kept me from knowing what had occurred for most of my life until recently. Anyone who has information regarding Hamricks' secret CIA connections, MIND-CONTROL projects, and his vast sexual diversions while parading himself as some great guru, please leave any info here.

Also, John Wester knows about all of this, as Wester was Hamricks' right hand man at that time, who went with Hamrick in his plane trips to meet secretly with CIA handlers.

But, John will not talk, and took his very curious "poem" about Harbinger down from it's website years ago. I have a copy of that poem that spells out what HAMRICK, the secret pervert, was really up to" (Harbin.2)
In response to Harbin YouTube video:
"My name is Eleazar Solomon at mizrach612 at HOT, if anyone wants to contact me. I knew Donald James Hamrick (AKA Zeera Charnoe) personally.

His private psychotherapist was Dr Joseph G(r)oss in NYC. Hamrick was an agent of the CIA, and was part of an orchestrated CIA experiment with middle class youth involving a commune (HARBINGER HOT SPRINGS) with free sex and drugs supplied by the CIA.

The operation was called CHAOS and also PROJECT ONE. Rooms had two-way mirrors installed, and all phones were tapped to provide direct input into the CIA controlled OP.

Virtually no one knew, or was even aware of the Project, except possibly John Wester, who was HAMRICKS’ closest aide for a number of years, and who knew HAMRICKS’ CIA contacts were and the nature of the MK-ULTRA experiment.

The Vice President of IBM, LOU MOBLEY was Hamricks' CIA handler, and MARION PETTIE, the head of a CIA front org, known as THE FINDERS, was a frequent visitor to the HARBINGER COMPOUND.

The whole experiment involved a secret GOVERNMENT GROUP called the 5412 GROUP. Hamrick was deeply involved in this experiment, and clearly knew of the CIA providing drugs, providing money for many things, including the drugs" (Harbin.10).

The commenter alleging that the leader of the Finders cult visited Harbin is extremely significant.

A report on the Finders Cult by the Dept. of the Treasury, provided by Ted Gunderson can be read here. It is extremely similar in content to the testimonies left on Harbin's social media as seen above.

Although such allegations are entirely circumstantial, the obscurity of the finders at the time of the commenter's post and the fact that the CIA was deeply involved with the case, as well as the fact that respected legacy news outlets such as the New York Times verified the events and investigation of The Finders Cult, act to at the very least corroborate the poster in terms of content of material and serve to instigate more in-depth investigation into this ring.

Heart Consciousness Church

"Heart Consciousness Church was formed in February of 1975, and the ownership of Harbin Hot Springs was transferred to it" (Harbin.7,14). Since being bought by HCC, Harbin Hot Springs has been a not-for-profit entity. Harbin/HCC operates as an intentional community where approximately 150 residents live and operate the Retreat Center for outside visitors.

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Harbin/HCC maintains a more specifically religious organization, the New Age Church of Being, incorporated in 1996 (Harbin.1). (We have been unable to find information about the New Age Church of Being outside of Harbin Hot Springs)

Description of the Heart Consciousness Church from Harbin's Website:

###New Age Church of Being

".....The New Age Church of Being, or NACOB, oversees those aspects more traditionally thought of as religion: Rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage including New Moon and Full Moon ceremonies in the Warm Pool, weekly Kirtan (Hindu devotional chanting), Full Moon Pipe Ceremonies, Pagan rituals marking the Seasonal Cycles (especially May Day and Halloween), and monthly men’s and women’s traditional Sweats during the rainy season.

NACOB Ministers are trained through a six-month program open to residents....more informal classes for sharing, hands-on practice, and rituals.... each student is required to teach a class as well as conduct a ritual).
.... They understand symbolism and metaphor and are able to recognize and take responsibility for trance states induced by rituals.The Minister Training Course is not absolutely necessary for ordination as a NACOB Minister and not a guarantee of acceptance. Nor is it necessary to be a NACOB Minister in order to do rituals and ceremonies at Harbin...."

(We have so far been unable to find any reference to the existence of a "New Age Church of Being", as an organization whatsoever much less one which provides certification. There seems to be no online record of NACOB's existence.)

In the summer of 2015, three wildfires destroyed 170,623 acres and 20,78 structures of California - including Harbin Hot Springs. Harbin's "dozens of buildings burned to the ground."

Harbin's site gives links to two organizations: Human Awareness Institute and Ecstatic Living (Harbin.11).

Human Awareness Institute:

Stan Dale created The Human Awareness Institute in 1968. He served in the military, described on HAI's website:

"Stan also served with the US Army in Korea. Among his experiences during that time, was residing for a few months in Japan, at an authentic, traditional geisha house..."

The organization has been accused of cultish behaviour, and provides sexuality workshops internationally.
HAI has its primary "Love workshops" at Harbin Hot Springs (Harbin.1 , HAI.1).

Ecstatic Living

Ecstatic Living is a tantric "sacred sexuality" teaching organization which gives seminars "nationwide." Their Director Logan Rose - who also worked for Harbin Hot Springs - has advocated for early child sex education for four year olds. Also note their heart shaped logo with a spiraled "e" inside it.

According to his own blog posts, Logan Rose, the Director of Ecstatic Living, is an advocate for early childhood sexual education, arguing "they grow up associating their sexuality to love and play" (EL.3). He attributes "much of [his] own sexual development and fun during [his] teens and early adulthood to [his] mother's liberated views on sex" (EL.4).

The blog post (EL.3) about childhood sexual education is replicated on another website domain "constantcontact.com" where, underneath his own blog post, he writes an extra disclaimer not seen on his blog:

"[p.s....] (http://archive.is/OotqU)
On a different note, we're looking for men, women and couples who have participated in our past workshops and would now like to assist at some of our upcoming workshops. If you're interested in assisting (in any workshop that you've previously taken), call our office at 707-987-3456 or email us. For our calendar, click here." (EL.5)

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One of the founders, Steve Carter was murdered. He was shot multiple times in what was described as a random robbery by teenagers.

On Steve Carter's death, a commenter wrote:

Kevin Sp comments on Oct 7, 2015 1:47 pm:
As an Eastern Tantric practitioner I will give you one guess why a male Western "Tantra" instructor got murdered. Here is a clue Western "Tantra" is about sex and sexuality while Eastern Tantra is about "spiritual growth" meditational Tools.

Judy Bowles Yes, I meet him. And yes, I know some things from behind the scenes. But how would you now that? Unless you personally know the situation maybe you should hold judgement
After saying that, yes I get little heated over the Western version vs to the true Eastern version. This comes from Western Tantra having no respect for the true Tantric believes of the creation (which is why Western Tantra don’t get respect from the Eastern style Tantra) and lack of putting into practice the true hard work of Tantra as the Tools (If you know Eastern Tantra or even paths that use their modified version of these tools then you would understand this). It is one of the reasons that I don't get involve into the "Eastern" practices within Marin Co. anymore.

At the bottom of their own website (EL.7) is a graphic that says:
"Since 1999, places we've taught at include..." and provides links to:
Mount Madonna Center
Breightenbush Hot Springs
Harbin Hot Springs
the haven

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The "constantcontact" domain lists multiple events at Harbin Hot Springs, seemingly in 2015 (EL.5).

We currently have some documentation on all but 2 of these. Omega has ties to Clinton, Esalen has ties to Tavistock/Findhorn, and little is known about Mount Madonna/Breightenbush.

Ecstatic Living [EL] {

  1. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/let
  2. https://www.facebook.com/ecstaticliving/about/
    - from website
  3. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/blog/sex-education-love
  4. What is Ecstatic Living - http://www.ecstaticliving.com/blog/what-is-ecstatic-living
  5. Harbin - Schedule http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=14bfd7d5-4a74-42cb-9364-fc404b18dea2&c=30912f50-8260-11e4-b7b9-d4ae52844372&ch=30d69cc0-8260-11e4-b7d9-d4ae52844372
  6. Retreats - http://www.ecstaticliving.com/retreats
  7. http://www.ecstaticliving.com/

Resources re: Harbin Hot Springs [Harbin]

  1. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harbin_Hot_Springs] Wiki

  2. [http://califias.blogspot.com/2014/12/harbin-hot-springs-and-heart.html](Blog Post)

  3. Poem - http://web.archive.org/web/20050317125308/jwester.cts.com/harbin.html

  4. http://harbin.org/community/church/

Stan Dale and HAI:

  1. http://w11.hai.org/stan/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Dale

Tribe Posts:

  1. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://harbinhotsprings.tribe.net/thread/4bee1e47-add5-425e-9fbd-3c5d62830a3b

MSM articles:

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/30/harbin-hot-springs-resort-california-mountains

Steve Carter Death Articles:

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3265920/Gun-discovered-case-tantric-yoga-guru-randomly-murdered-three-drifters-walking-dog.html

  2. Deadhead Account of Celestial Synapse: http://deadessays.blogspot.com/2011/01/mystery-of-61968.html

  3. Youtube Video (w/ comments):


  4. Harbin Upcoming workshops (Ecstatic Living and HAI): http://harbin.org/workshops/upcoming-workshops/

  5. Harbin's History: http://harbin.org/community/history/

  6. Heart Consciousness Church: http://harbin.org/community/church/

  7. 40th Anniversary PDF: http://www.harbin.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Harbin_40th_anniversary.pdf


In addition to other connections such as the "centers gathering" which connects all of these groups, figures from each tend to rely on the Human Potential Movement.

For example: Joann Peterson, a member of the Human Potential movement and a social worker who acted as Director of Education at The Haven, discussed immediately below. Her wiki page describes a list of her work which includes child sex abuse prevention.

Her work is described here

And here

Her publications include: list

Joan Peterson Wiki Page

The Haven is also part of the Centersgathering.

Joann's work listed at The Haven


Ecstatic Living teaches at a location called The Haven, in Canada. According to their website, "The Haven is a centre for transformative learning, located on beautiful Gabriola Island... Founded in 1983, by psychiatrist Bennet Wong, and Jock McKeen...

The Haven Institute Wiki Page

Joan's videos on The Haven youtube channel

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The wiki page for Jock McKeen states in reference to McKeen and Wong: "From 2004 until 2008, they were consultants to Hua Wei Corporation, a Chinese global telecommunications company, advising about management training and corporate development."

In 2004, ownership of The Haven was transferred to a charitable organization, Haven Foundation... Haven's programs "address life issues including anxiety, anger, depression, sexuality, and addictions" (Haven.3).

Gary Dillon is a body worker at The Haven. His website HeartcoreTouch.com also features some bizzare apparently MKULTRA themes art works, including a piece titled "Everybody Has an Assassin 3," and "Strange World."

Gary Dillon of Heartcoretouch.com works for the Haven.

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Dillon's Website Heartcore Touch:



Dillon's work: Everybody has an Assassin 3

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The Haven website offers programs promising to help individuals fulfill themselves. Of their many programs, one "extremely popular program" offers, for $875.00, to help children "learn about themselves and each other while working together on a creative musical production."

Kids in the Spotlight (formerly called Dances and Games) began due to "a love of children"; Children stay at The Haven with a parent or guardian who has scheduled time outside of programs to be with their children.

Personal anecdote after watching

In a video posted to Youtube which, at the time of this writing currently has 108 views as well as the comments disabled, titled "KITS 25th Anniversary", we see a montage of program pictures throughout the years interspersed with interviews of former KITS attendees. You don't really get much more info about the program, aside from the play, as all of the dialogue is poorly edited to catch only pieces of the interviewees' responses.

Two girls, beginning at [1:42] in the video, are seen trying to hold back snickers as they describe their experiences at the camp. One of the girl attended 4 or 5 programs in total, and describes how she got to "make a wagon" as her friend cracks a smile and mutters "with a bridge on top" as both girls laugh and the first calls it "the highlight of her young life" while smiling. The second girl is talking again at [3:17] describing the lessons she learned from the program. She says looking back she learned a lot but doesn't remember there being specific lessons.

She says, "When I was a participant it wasn't like 'Oh I'm learning my boundaries right now'" as both girls break out in laughter. She continues "it wasn't like that... like I don't remember 'learning' anything but, um, boundaries definitely stuck most" as both girls giggle again. Immediately following is a group of children, seemingly not amused, dancing in unison.

The video continues with more experiences and testimony followed by, at [5:37], another woman who says "One of the really neat things about it was a, uh, activity that I did with, uh, my brothers" and the video quickly cuts to the same woman speaking later saying "and it's just fun to have those memories and to see them, with their little rolls" with another cut to "so that's really special to have that kind of activity that we did as a family. It's rare - that's rare" and her smile immediately retreats as she looks up past the camera.

Later on, a montage of children smiling and making goofy faces includes an image of a child wearing a hat with a swastika on it (Haven.8 - http://sli.mg/09yR9w)

KITEZH - A Russian Orphanage

Kitezh has been called a "revolutionary eco-village community, providing a unique form of family-based care for homeless and orphaned children in Russia". Here they find "a positive experience of family life which enables them to recover from the trauma of earlier years to become open, loving, valuable and contributing members of society. With the right kind of support, Kitezh is becoming a real and inspiring alternative model to the present state-run child-care institutions."

"Since 1993 Kitezh has functioned as a non-government, non-profit home and school for orphaned Russian children in a community of foster families who live together on a large piece of land in a rural area 300km south of Moscow in Kaluga region near Baryatino... There are 20 permanent resident adults, who care for 30 children as foster parents and teachers. Their goal is to provide for 50 families with 200 children with the long-term intention to create 50 Kitezh villages elsewhere in Russia" (Haven.12).

Liza Hollingshead, founder of Ecologia Youth Trust, first met Morosov in 1992, just a year after he founded Kitezh. In 2012 on centersgathering.org, Hollingshead writes "Over the past 20 years, through the vehicle of Ecologia Youth Trust, I became more and more involved in supporting this extraordinary experiment. In 1996 we took a group of our Youth Project teenagers to Kitezh .... The following year Dmitry brought a small group of children, all orphans, to Findhorn and they visited other parts of Scotland as well" (CG.3).

  1. Website - http://www.haven.ca/

  2. History - http://www.haven.ca/about-the-haven/history

Jock McKeen, Founder

Hua Wei Corporation


Related: Hollyhock

  1. Canada Helps page: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/haven-foundation/

  2. Kids in the Spotlight : http://www.haven.ca/program/session/kids-spotlight-jul-17-jul-22-0

  3. Facebook http://archive.is/W6CPW

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  1. Programs: https://archive.is/eZLKB

  2. 10th Anniversary Booklet: https://issuu.com/havenfoundation/docs/haven_10thanniv_booklet_r54-55sm

  3. Nazi Kid: http://sli.mg/09yR9w

  4. Sryian Refugees:

  5. Kitezh orphanage/children's community - http://www.haven.ca/stay-connected/news/what-i-learned-kitezh-youth-exchange

  6. Kitezh - http://www.haven.ca/stay-connected/news/back-russia-haven-youth-trip-kitezh

  7. Kitezh - http://www.friends-partners.org/ccsi/nisorgs/russwest/kitezh.htm

  8. Gaia listed as a source in article above: http://communities.gaia.org/kitezh/
    Wayback Machine history: http://sli.mg/kqjsOR

  9. redirected to: communities.gaia.org/

  10. GEN - http://gaia.org/global-ecovillage-network/

  11. Gaia Education: http://gaia.org/gaia-education/

  12. Gaia Trust - http://gen.ecovillage.org/en/gaia-trust


Kitezh Children's Community - http://www.idealist.org/view/nonprofit/358KTjM7TwssP/

Ross Jackson:
http://www.rossjackson.org/?p=418 - Imagining an "Ideal world"

Ross Jackson connected to Maria Gomori:

Maria Gomori worked at Haven: http://www.haven.ca/about-the-haven/our-people/faculty/maria-gomori

9217 - "Existentialist" is what these people call themselves according to Kay Griggs (interview on youtube) - so where we might use the term Illuminati or w/e they would use the term Existentialist.

Maria follows on from this Satir woman - how?

Satir worked at haven and described herself as a magician -

Maria's website - http://www.mariagomori.com/

lists http://www.iiihs.org/ as a resource


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Listed among the faculty here is Adam Crabtree, of Esalen. Jock McKeen, MD and Ben Wong, MD founders of the Haven on Gabriola, and others. Crabtree Specializes in Dissociative Identity Disorders.


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The Order of Transfiguration

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Maria's life is a testimony to the principles addressed by existential philosophies*: freedom, authenticity, responsibility, and moral agency. With balance and courage, she also accepts the inevitable challenges of angst, loneliness, and paralysing uncertainties. Her mind is alive with ideas, concepts, and novel perspectives on human beings.


Kitezh Community

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Findhorn involvement in Kitezh Community - https://www.findhorn.org/2009/02/ecologia-launches-book-about-kitezh-community/

Orovoz connected to Findhorn?

Orozov says: “However unusual conditions in Russia, and especially in Kitezh, may be, we have been able to develop methods and procedures for working with difficult children that can help not only professionals working in children’s institutions or foster parents, but also parents of ‘normal’, non-dysfunctional families. This book deals with how a child’s consciousness is formed and how we, as parents, can love our children in the right way: by preparing them for life in the real world.”

‘Kitezh, A Community Approach to Raising Children in Russia’ can be purchased through Ecologia (www.ecologia.org.uk, t. 690995) or at the Phoenix Shop.



Findhorn Foundation, founded in 1962 by Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean, "is a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic learning, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future" (Findhorn.1,9).


Findhorn's latest large production is a movie titled "A New Story for Humanity" where they detail an vision of interconnected global community focused on "interbeing-ness... and understanding that we are all one."

In this video, we have:

https://vid.me/0vOE : "We are the secret world government" [1:10:30 in original video]

Nancy Roof, founder of Kosmos Associates Inc/Kosmos Journal says "This is going to happen in all our groups, because for real change, not just the small changes, but major changes, systemic changes, which are what we need now, are going to go through, like all transformations go through, there's going to be chaos, opposition, anger, you know, but we get through, and on the other side is this tremendous joy, of creativity, experimentaition. It is such an exciting period to be born into".

Ousmane Pame, the president of GEN (Africa), is seen describing how Findhorn's "ceremonies" helps people who may be struggling "recover because they feel loved and taken care of by the community" (Findhorn.10,11). "subtle beings"

Nancy Roof again: "We need to pay attention to our "inner lives" and that we have so much guidance from an 'in' that most people do not know about and it's so important."

David Spangler: "As a person who has been communicating with the subtle worlds for nearly 70 years, I naturally see this collaboration with non-physical beings as an integral part of any planetary story. Demonstrating the reality of this was one of Findhorn's original purposes.

Dorothy Maclean:
"Maclean is known for her work with devas, the intelligences overseeing the natural world. A deva in the New Age movement refers to any of the spiritual forces or beings behind nature... In the Findhorn material, the term refers to archetypal spiritual intelligences behind species, in other words the group soul of a species. Her book To Hear the Angels Sing gives an overview of this work and also provides autobiographical materials. A full-length biography, Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic was published in 2010.

Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler" (Findhorn.13,14).

Spangler and Maclean "founded the Lorian Association as a non-profit vehicle for the spiritual and educational work they wished to do together" (Findhorn.15). The Lorian Foundation's mission "is to advance the experience of wholeness in the world and in ourselves through an incarnated spirituality" (Findhorn.16).


"At the age of six, he moved to Morocco in North Africa where his father was assigned as a counterintelligence agent for U.S. Army Intelligence.

Sometime after Spangler's arrival, he was offered and accepted joint directorship of the community along with Peter Caddy. He remained in the Findhorn Community until 1973. He then returned to the United States with a number of other Americans and Europeans, including Dorothy Maclean, where they founded the Lorian Association as a non-profit vehicle for the spiritual and educational work they wished to do together.

Also in 1974 Spangler helped William Irwin Thompson, the author of At the Edge of History, Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, and various other books on contemporary culture, science and spirit, to found the Lindisfarne Association" (Findhorn.15)
