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RE: PART 2 "Emma" - Married to an Elite Child Pornographer

in #pizzagate7 years ago

This is a horrible reality, and my own familiarity with particular places and persons named (as well as those I can identify here as a result of my own investigations) at least partially corroborates her testimony.

I deeply sympathize with Emma. It breaks my heart.

I feel extraordinarily fortunate that my own family hasn't been so harmed. I am also certain that my care to conceal details, and making the harrowing choice to protect them over victims of sexual assault, and many other crimes, I became aware of during my tenure as a member of a Grand Jury investigating the condition of jails in an Oregon county, has been necessary to their protection.

I can also back up her report that God personally speaks to us when such horrors are visited upon us. While our particular faith is dependent on where one is raised, I remain certain that God, whatever you think you are calling on when you do, will answer.

My own faith has been radically changed as a result of the corruption and grief I have experienced, and I am glad her faith has remained her foundation, as the lack of that foundation has cost me more than I am capable of understanding.

Sadly, this isn't a report of an isolated incident, but an intrinsic and endemic feature of government (and other institutions), at least in the places she and I have seen it.

I will name Lincoln County also as a place involved, but, to protect innocent parties, I must refrain from more precise identifications. The Tillamook County District Attorney, Bill Porter, is known to participate in such malicious prosecutions, and has recently been involved with the Bar Association for withholding exculpatory evidence.

I have personally seen him mock the victims of such malice in open court. I can also verify the failure of the FBI to protect those most in need of that protection (children who have suffered sexual abuse). Further I am aware of certain features of Oregon's prison system, including Coffee Creek, where Emma certainly also encountered them, that preclude those experiencing such malicious prosecution being able to ensure the safety of their families.

It is truly unimaginable for those who have not encountered it. The ubiquity, breadth, and scope of corruption in what we think of as the Justice system need not be concealed from prisoners, as they are literally helpless slaves (unless, as many psychopaths are, because of the abilities their disability makes possible, they are recruited in order to participate in such crimes). Many of us, because of the incredible numbers of Americans incarcerated, know people who have direct testimony that can educate us to that stark reality.

I enjoin you, if you care about liberty and justice, to shoulder the unpleasant burden of asking them about it. It is frequently so traumatic, and unbelievable, even to those that have suffered it, that they make no attempt to tell people about it.

When you have made the effort, you will discover, as I have, reports of food unfit for human consumption, medical care used as a weapon, sexual abuse, and theft so blatant it seems the grossest fantasy to suppose it is daily happening. From the testimony I have received, I have no doubt that, rather than public safety, graft and corruption is the real cause and reason for the inflation in our prison populations, and the cornerstone of the system that enables millions of Americans to be held as slaves in captivity.

There are so few situations where redress is potential for such hapless victims - many of whom are proved to be innocent of the charges of which they are convicted, through DNA evidence that was not available when they accepted the blackmail called Plea Bargains - that examples of such victories (if simply being able to prove the horrible torments inflicted on those helpless victims, and getting some kind of compensation afterwards, can be called a victory), are as scarce as unicorns.