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RE: Purpose & Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I don't disagree with anything you've said thus far. The only difference I might take in your approach, personally, is instead of thinking about being a slave, I prefer to focus on the power of positive thought.

I do agree that seeking knowledge has become somewhat of a hobby or even an obsession in my life and the problem with that is lately I've been focusing on learning negative things rather than positive things. That's a change I need to work on personally.

I also agree on the need to press pause on learning and put our current bucket of knowledge to practical use, which is something I struggle with in terms of finding a 'worthy' outlet for. I talk to people, try to spread what I've learned, but that doesn't always make an impact, or so it seems from my perspective. Seems I need to find another outlet.

I appreciate your perspective, its helped me realize the changes I need to make within myself before I can expect to see anything change without.


Thank you.

The questions I'm finding interest in, if all things are on this spectrum between love and fear:

Is love always "positive?"

Can you conceive of a time and place in which love demands violence?

I guess that would be subjective to some degree - i.e., would you consider self-defense or the physical defense of your loved ones "violence" if provoked and you were required to physically hurt someone to stop them from hurting you or your loved ones? Personally, I would not. Violence to me would be unprovoked attacks or physically acting first when unnecessary as a defensive posture. So I guess in short, based on the above, no. I don't think love demands violence, unless you define it differently than I do. As for the question of love always being positive or not - I would say yes. Could there be pain involved in love, absolutely, but generally that pain helps a person grow/evolve emotionally and ultimately, in my experience, becomes a net-positive.

These are just the opinions of one man, me, I'm sure many others will have different opinions.