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RE: Purpose & Pizzagate

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Lol, after reading that I don't even know wtf we were talking about anymore. I asked some pretty straight forward questions and got a pile of text-puke in return seemingly unrelated to any sense of discourse I thought I was engaged in. Touche, I guess?

Pointing out that sharing my opinion is "not inviting conversation" or not inviting you to share your opinion? Asking questions isn't inviting? Isn't that all you did here though; share your opinion that my opinion isn't somehow valid? Does that invalidate your opinion by default as well? You have a lot of thought on what other people need to do, I suppose you've reached the pinnacle of a secularist human and have nothing left to aspire to? Nothing left in life or death to look forward to? No worthy advice to seek or listen to? You've become the myth-god you're so against? The arbiter of logicality?

Your research has shown these people believe in Satan and Satanic rituals, right? They would tell you it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it only matters that they do. They are having super-human experiences. Your choice of refusing to believe that they believe this doesn't change it any. They will continue to pursue their goals through their belief and participation in spiritual warfare in this plane of existence and any others, while you're stuck here refusing to acknowledge they are operating at a plane clearly beyond your secularist ability of comprehension, in my opinion.

I'm not going to respond to any more discussion of your opinion being any more or less valid, logical or mythy than anyone elses. Though I'm happy to continue any discussion that isn't based in lifting yourself above the rest of us who's beliefs simply differ from yours.