It is indeed strange that the 49th most powerful person in D.C. according to GQ doesn't have a Wikipedia page. There is a page for Comet Ping Pong though. I'm sure you've seen this photo Jimmy posted on his instagram of the man wearing a J'❤️ L'Enfant t-shirt. It appears that a number of people have assumed it's James/Jimmy himself wearing the t-shirt when it is actually Christopher Lynch, co-owner of the L'Enfant Cafe & Bar in D.C.
It is indeed strange that the 49th most powerful person in D.C. according to GQ doesn't have a Wikipedia page. There is a page for Comet Ping Pong though. I'm sure you've seen this photo Jimmy posted on his instagram of the man wearing a J'❤️ L'Enfant t-shirt. It appears that a number of people have assumed it's James/Jimmy himself wearing the t-shirt when it is actually Christopher Lynch, co-owner of the L'Enfant Cafe & Bar in D.C.