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RE: TiL: #Pizzagate and The "Debunking" FAIL

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I replied to this nonsense in the video comment section. This "debunking" claims we "cherry picked evidence" then the entire video is a cherry picking of evidence. Like ignoring the "Chicken Lovers" remark on the photo Knight "debunked" rofl. Nice try CK, but making click bait bullshit videos will get CK nowhere.

Here is one that you can't debunk:

Oh there is plenty more evidence you never touched on. Connor Knight is a joke.


Hmmm a convicted pedophile eh? It's almost as if law enforcement takes action when there is actual evidence of a crime.

Lolz, as if the law enforcement arrests every person who commits a crime. Get real.

Yea, it might have something to do with the rigors of collecting evidence but you wouldn't know about that.

I have seen your "debunking" posts which just means mirroring the mainstream media, your "investigative skills" are bullshit, you just parrot MSM talking points. You got nothing else to add obviously.

I haven't done a single "debunking" post, and your claim that I have done multiple really highlights your horrible investigative skills, as if we needed any more evidence that you're a hack.

A YouTube video shot on a cellphone can hardly be considered mainstream media by that logic you are mainstream with your YouTube videos. But so what if I do point to the mainstream media? That isn't an argument that's a deflection and distraction.

Your bias against mainstream media is obvious, your supposed facts and evidence are not. Simply yelling MSM doesn't make them wrong it just makes you look childish. I could just as easily label you the lunatic fringe. I prefer to point out the lack of evidence and the insane way that some are interpreting things.

Your sources are garbage and you wouldn't last an hour as a journalist without being sued out of existence.

I have seen your replies to others that dare to say anything against your unfounded allegations and all you do is cry about the mainstream media and praise 4chan derived nonsense. It's pathetic.

Please see this post at Voat which indicates that it may not be convicted paedophile Michael Quinn in that photo with Christopher Lynch, co-owner of L'Enfant Cafe & Bar but more likely Ian Pope, a Washington Irish rugby player. When I look at the comparison photo I tend to agree with this.

I posted this before and it seems to have disappeared?
@titusfrost and @mrwang Please note the following regarding the possible identity of the rugby guy wearing the black bow tie :
"The man in the picture has been confirmed to be a totally different guy who plays rugby in Washington, and is not convicted paedophile Michael Quinn."
"There's a very good chance this could be a dead end, as people have found the mysterious man on the right of the photo could be Ian Pope, a Washington Irish rugby player. Here's the comparison here: "
Source @ Voat:

Are you referring to me or the creator of the video?
I no way tried to debunk you... I pointed out stuff that the guy who made a video titled "pizzagate debunked" also made reference to.

The creator of the video, the "Pizza Gate debunked" the Connor Knight guy who made this video:

I will adjust my comment above to correct it so it makes sense, sorry m8.

all good.. appreciate it and no worries.. thanks for the research and information you provided.

Good Stuff

You want to attack me for mistakes in a video you made rife with mistakes? In example: I didn't come up with the code, a 4chan user did. I didn't reach for anything, I just reported what I found, if I made mistakes I will adjust it in the future. That's why my film started out with me apologizing for any mistakes I made before I even began. How I maintain credibility is where I am proven wrong, I correct those mistakes in the future. Which i addressed in a recent video. Make all the videos against me you want, when the dust settles on all this we will see who was right.

That debunking video is total bullshit though. Please the kid says oh the sex bracelet thing is wrong based on what? His interpretation only, many other people completely disagree with him on that. In that same photo he completely ignores the "Chicken Lovers" comment which is blatant pedophilia code. His debunking video isn't worth responding to because it is bullshit which is why it has more dislikes than likes. Real eyes realize real lies.

His video blows and the fact you believe him means you didn't go through the "information overload", it's not information overload, I cut way way back on the amount of info delivered. I certainly wasn't reaching for crap, I just had so much info to process that I had trouble cutting it down to what ended up being almost two hours of video.

titusfrost---are you on or discord? Id like very much to speak with you about a proposition. I have been watching and seeing that you are actually among the top experts in pizzagate in terms of viewership. Please consider a quick private chat with me because I think I have an idea you will love.

No i am not on those nor do I have time for that. Just tell me what you want. I have a twitter and an email, you can send it to those as well if you are worried about security.

Are you going off on me now?