InfoWars: Pizzagate Main Spotlight. America's Got Skeletons In Closet.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Although America's got skeletons in her closet, by no means should the Pizzagate scandal be lost amidst the chaos that's engulfing the nation and the world as the one and only Mr. Alex Jones of InfoWars and PrisonPlanetTV explains in his latest(and in my opinion GREATEST) video.


I for one think that Pizzagate is not a diversion, but rather another series of scandals among other topics of interest concerning American politics. We all know the US is out for Assange and Snowden's blood, we know that Hillary Clinton is not really opposed to Trump; nor is she trying to usurp him from power; in fact, this is all for show to hide some rather dubious dealings with several key figures among various other minions serving the global Elites. We know that the economy is in the gutter and will continue to be; regardless of who is gonna assume the throne of the most powerful position in the world and regardless of what the mainstream media says otherwise. Trillions of dollars in debt; the National Debt, that is, and the clock is ticking right here in the good 'ol US of A; more specifically in Times Square, NYC.

Yeah, I've seen the numbers and they are not just pretty.

They are HORRIFYING!!!

WHY are the numbers RED?!?! It's almost as if the numbers were painted with the blood of some poor, unfortunate soul.

Talk about nightmare fuel.

Oh, where was I again? Ah yes, the implications of Pizzagate overshadowing America's dirty deeds. Sorry to lose track of the topic, so here we go.

Now I may get flack for this, but here me out. Even though Pizzagate is the talk of the town as of late, there's other events going on in the world that few here at steemit hadn't even touched on as they are of equal importance of the aforementioned. Let's be clear on that. The issue here is that Alex Jones thinks that the scandal is/ should get more screentime than other news, but that doesn't mean the general populace should play along with him in a Pied Piper fashion. You get what I'm saying? I sure hope so because the rabbit hole is getting far deeper and deeper than one had expected. Though I commend Mr. Jones for making a valiant effort to bring real news to the masses, it is still VITALLY IMPORTANT that he and others keep reporting on this case.

Aside from Alex Jones, we should ALL be covering stories of the world and post them on social media; in ADDITION to Pizzagate.

The lives of children, victimized by these verminous scum, are at stake here and if we let our guard down, it will all be in vain.


Can you live with the guilt of knowing that you could've saved their lives, but chose not to?

Can you live with yourself knowing that danger lurks around every corner of every major city; regardless if it's in America or abroad, and children are at risk of being at the mercy of these outrageously sick people?

Phobos Temple

Can you continue to watch BBC, Fox News(should be Faux News) and CNN for their utter contempt and apathy towards concerned citizens who are trying their DAMNEDEST with their blood, sweat, and tears, to cover this story and others that they turn a blind eye to; DESPITE the children not being able to make their plight to those who would listen out of fear, shame, and regret?

Can you even care?

You SHOULD CARE!!! Because you're a HUMAN BEING with CHILDREN OF YOUR OWN, not a robotic pacifist.

We should all stay vigilant on this case as much as possible!!

Don't let these children down. They need OUR help; more than ever now.

And one more thing: FUCK THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!!

You can do your duty, if you choose, upvote, resteem, share and follow. A ripple in a pond is all it takes.


Disappointed in Alex for abandoning this story. I wasn't expecting 24/7. But Info Wars has put out the least amount of investigation. He seems afraid.

It's very surprising and can only mean that nothing scares him more than this.

Someone commented under his video today that Alex is facing a law suit. Has to worry about his family and staff etc. But that's the business he's been in, all along.

Facing a lawsuit for trying to expose the truth? Outrageous.

More like paranoid.

Either way Alex Jones is failing. Not one investigative journalist from info wars is dedicated. Pathetic.

I thought the same thing when I saw this video of Alex Jones stepping away from this story after I watched his initial reaction when Pizzagate first came out. He is scared of something, Alex doesnt really talk about alot of things like he used to. I used to watch him more because he was on top of stories like this and would be on point. But the past few years I have noticed that Alex is shying away from certain topics, one example would be Sandy Hook. He didnt really go to far with Sandy Hook. So I dont know if Alex has been compromised. My intuition on Alex jones is that there is something going on there and that he isnt the truther he used to be. But I agree, I am single mom, and I had to protect my kids from certain situations because pedophiles are everywhere. I was always on the lookout, and anything that didnt look right, or if my kids told me anything that bothered them, anything off, I immediately looked into it. People will take advantage of children because they are small, and underestimate them. I never did. And I was fortunate that God allowed me to always listen to my kids and never let them be afraid or feel that couldnt tell me anything because I counldnt handle it. My parents didnt protect me and my siblings, and I saw firsthand how perverse and mean adults turned that into an advantage for them. I learned at an early age to watch out for my brothers and sisters, and myself. My advice is to listen to your kids, always be approachable so that they know they can tell you anything, and this story must always stay alive. If Alex is spreading this to his loyal listeners so that they back off, then he is wrong for that. He has children, and he is alot more financially better off than alot of us, so his ex wife can home school them. Alex Jones has made me wonder about why he is flip flopping like a politician. Its not a cool thing that he did.

If only those kids's parents were as vigilant as you, the level of abuse by these predators could've been lessened. Parents NEED to guard their children well, or else they will become victims.