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RE: PizzaGate is a Prime Example of Mass Stupidity

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I have responded so much to your bullshit that I'm going to be hasty with this one and then I am done with you and your ignorance.

-I have always maintained the same position and if you could read objectively you would know this.
-No, you are not saying the same thing at all. If you really think that you are then you need help.

Yes, I read your article about as well as one could read a poorly written piece of work that is littered with typos. You are the one who cannot pick a stance. In your article you assert that you are right and that the masses are soulless idiots who are wrong about pizzagate. In your comments, someone challenged you stating the evidence is overwhelming, to whit you responded saying that you just have difficulty believing that people could be that evil.

As I stated in my very first comment to you, you are trying very hard to protect your own current understanding of the world and you're willing to put others down in order to do it. That is why I have gone from trying to help and inform you, to thinking you're an arsehole.

If you want to deny reality, fair enough. Go and find your little safe place where you can protect yourself from the scary thoughts about how much suffering there is in the world. DO NOT however, try to convince others to dismiss something that should be getting looked into, simply because you don't want to know what they will find.

Do not expect another response from me for I have had enough of your conversation.