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RE: PizzaGate is a Prime Example of Mass Stupidity

in #pizzagate8 years ago

'Like everyone with power has given up all basic human morals and have gone over to the dark side.'

One would think that you would need to sacrifice your morals in order to intentionally impoverish the people you are sworn to serve, and to support the mass murder of innocent men, women and children overseas.

'What comes apparent is the complete lack of Brain usage and massive stupidity, and what that boils down to is just pure evil.'

The only thing burning more calories than the collective brain power of those who are investigating this issue, is the collective brain power of those attempting to cover it up and convince everyone that it is "fake news."
Here is an excellent example of someone with 'no brain power' exposing the pseudo-journalistic integrity of the mainstream media.
It is evident from your post and from your comment on my article earlier, that you have already decided you're not going to read it. I implore you to change your mind for you may just learn a little something about objectivity--something which your article could have benefited greatly from.

'My Verdict. The social masses are completely soul-less and lack the morals they are seemingly fighting about.'

Your verdict--that you somehow managed to arrive at after only a few sentences--is that hundreds of thousands of people have no souls, because they do not adhere to your opinion?
You claim that we who are actively looking into this scandal are lacking in morals, which I find incredibly interesting and embarrassingly hypocritical.
It is morality that is the driving force for most who are investigating pizzagate. Certainly for me. If there is even the slightest chance that this many children are being abused, and if it is in any way within my power to help, then I will keep investigating this until I have found the definitive truth of the matter.
Your morality however, is questionable at best. You are condemning those who are attempting to do good because you are unwilling to accept that their viewpoint could potentially be correct. Your perspective of the world--the one where your government is there to help you and not to rob you--is under siege, and rather than inviting a little cognitive dissonance into your mind so that you might construct a more accurate understanding of the world you live in, you are deciding to lash out at others in defense of your own biased paradigm. This is beyond immoral, because you are placing the importance of your personal comfort level over the potential physical and psychological suffering of many children.

I will admit that some people have gone too far with the attacking of the alleged perpetrators on social media. You know this because you shared your ignorance on my post about this very issue earlier. But, just because some people are getting a tad overzealous, does not mean that you can categorize everyone who hasn't instantly dismissed pizzagate as bullshit as one body of brainless, soulless idiots.

This is far from over, and there is a lot of investigating still to be done. It's clear at this point that the authorities are not going to do it for us, because they are subservient to the suspects that need to be investigated. We are not subservient to them though, so we will do the work ourselves if need be.

I respectfully request that you keep your willful ignorance to yourself and stop giving people a reason to dismiss this as lies just because you wish that it was. The more people that are behind this, then the easier it will be to bring those to justice should--as I suspect--this scandal turn out to be legitimate.

PS: You really ought to go through this post again and correct the plethora of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Some may be even less inclined than I to assign any credence to an author of so many typos. If you cannot pay enough attention to detail to notice the huge red lines under the words you're typing, then how can one have any confidence in your ability to research facts at any level of competence?


It is fine to investigate, that has to be done and I applaud the people trying to get to the bottom of it. The issue I am having is the massive amounts of attacking done to people who might not even be involved. Death threats, posting children all over to get there point across... Taking anything, and I mean anything that can be twisted into fitting the crime.
"should--as I suspect--this scandal turn out to be legitimate."
Even you possess a doubt, so I respectfully request that you don't present the evidence you contain as facts until you actually know them as facts!
Because What if it isn't legitimate??? Then what? You thousands of people going to make personal appologies? Doubtful..
"well we were wrong.... sorry?"
While countless lives have now been ruined.

P.S. Steemit doesn't have that little red line under spelling and grammer errors. and I'm not pretending to have credentials, unlike the massive crowd of people presenting their "information" as facts. But hell, make some death threats and ruin lives on a theory. That is where the world is at.

  1. I already pointed out that I have doubts, though they are very slim. I never presented you with any evidence about pizzagate, only an article which challenges the veracity of the mainstream media.
  2. I have no reason to apologise. It was I who made a post requesting that people stop the abuse until it is proven definitively.
  3. Regardless of whether the red lines show up for you or not, some of those mistakes are so obvious that you should not need an alert to bring them to your attention if you had proof read your writing before posting. But, I bet you didn't. Just as I bet you didn't bother to pay much attention to any of the evidence into pizzagate or you would not be holding this stance of yours so pigheadedly.

Years ago, those who dared to seek the truth were greatly outnumbered by those who take everything they're told by the MSM as gospel. That time has changed. Now it is only those that are terrified of accepting the truth that still cling to this idea that conspiracy theories are always bullshit.

Go to the pizzagate category on Steemit and have a look at how well denial and ignorance is being received. Then go and look at how those who are suspicious of it are being received. You are, for the first time in history, the minority. I strongly urge you to snap out of your fantasy world and open your mind to viewpoints that are different from your own, or you will find yourself cold and alone on the wrong side of society. Good day.

Fuck that was awesome. Nope we are not the minority anymore, especially on a platform like steemit! A lot of people coming here don't realize what they are in for; those who suffer from severe cognitive dissonance will have a rude awakening, or can leave.

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!!!
Their souls are damned to roast in hell for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.

I just read your article

You are all over the place! Jesus christ man, take a fucking stance and stick with it. I don't even think you read my article...

"As I said, I am not far from 100% sure this is real, but I would not bet mine, nor your life on it just yet. We need to be much more objective and halt any abuse or attacks on these people until we find that irrefutable piece of evidence that no one will be able to deny."

Really? isn't that basically what i'm trying to point out!
And You want to talk about credentials?

These people have been in control for over 50 years, there is no such thing as an irrefutable piece of evidence they control the science they control the schools, they control every idea you have ever been exposed to. Once you know you know, before that no amount of evidence can convince you. There is a MOUNTAIN of "circumstantial" evidence but who invented the term circumstantial evidence? Who invented false memory syndrome? You would assume it's not an accused pedophile right?

Im guessing this is you from this comment you made.

"Once you know you know, before that no amount of evidence can convince you" See you on the other side, brother.

I have responded so much to your bullshit that I'm going to be hasty with this one and then I am done with you and your ignorance.

-I have always maintained the same position and if you could read objectively you would know this.
-No, you are not saying the same thing at all. If you really think that you are then you need help.

Yes, I read your article about as well as one could read a poorly written piece of work that is littered with typos. You are the one who cannot pick a stance. In your article you assert that you are right and that the masses are soulless idiots who are wrong about pizzagate. In your comments, someone challenged you stating the evidence is overwhelming, to whit you responded saying that you just have difficulty believing that people could be that evil.

As I stated in my very first comment to you, you are trying very hard to protect your own current understanding of the world and you're willing to put others down in order to do it. That is why I have gone from trying to help and inform you, to thinking you're an arsehole.

If you want to deny reality, fair enough. Go and find your little safe place where you can protect yourself from the scary thoughts about how much suffering there is in the world. DO NOT however, try to convince others to dismiss something that should be getting looked into, simply because you don't want to know what they will find.

Do not expect another response from me for I have had enough of your conversation.

Then you are a very bad american and a poor citizen. If you have sound evidences of such crimes , you MUST run to the police and file a report, bringing all the evidences you collected with you. A citizen which witnesses a crime is not supposed to tell it on the internet, is supposed to file a report to the closer police station. Btw, I remember you that, to know about a crime and not reporting is considered backing the crime, and a crime itself. Could you show the report you (I'm sure) already filed to the police station? Just a picture is enough.

Did you mean to send this to me??
I stated that I am NOT American.

I think eSteem is a bit messy about threads, since I was talking with the guy which claims he has sound evidence of pizzagate. If you have sound evidence of that crimes, you must report to the police in almost all the planet, unless this is legal somewhere (which I don't believe). If you aren't the guy having evidence of the pizzagate, then I was not sending the message to you. I suspect eSteem has lot of room for improvements....