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RE: Pizzagate: Where Are The Children Going In Virginia?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I was thinking about that and I had an incredibly horrible thought...We know that Podesta perform Satanic rituals in which mock cannibalism is a part. What if it isn't mock? What if the "killing room" in the basement of Comet Pizza is just that? Maybe the code isn't really a code...maybe if you order a pizza you get one with human...or hot dogs...You get the picture. Any way it turns out, it's sick, depraved and any other handy adjectives you want to throw in.


No, they do not use hehe meat on their pizzas. They do call it long pork, but I don't feel they would go through the trouble of making pepperoni out of it.

I didn't see the things needed to make pepperoni or hot dogs in any of the pictures of the pizza place.

The meat isn't the hard part, the hard part is disposing of the bones.

And the killing room IS just that. Children are taken to the height of excitement, and then taken to the height of terror. And then often killed in sacrifice.

Cannibalism as a ritual is done to take in the essence of the victim. Like, a muslim cure for AIDS is to have sex with a virgin. These people take in the essence, by eating a part, or drinking blood of a child killed at the height of terror.

I wasn't speaking specifically of THAT meat lol. I just meant human meat in general...I pray you're right. Either way I don't like it!

Yes indeed what if? Please take a look at my blog "The Cage Inside Comet Pizza" and let me know what you think. I just joined here a week ago and now realise that I should have posted that as a new blog rather than updating my original one. Ah well, yet another lesson learned the hard way.

I'll check it out and don't feel bad...I'm like this really old guy (only on a week too) trying to figure it all out. I don't even understand the techno-terminology!