In Traffickers We Trust - Human trafficking in the United States - Chapter I: Texas

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

National Human Trafficking Hotline

This series will physically map and quantify the human trafficking and institutionalized sexual abuse phenomenon. Several notable researchers and studies have suggested that Texas is among the worst states in the United States and the world when it comes to such crimes. Here I will break down the history of human trafficking in the area as well as provide statistics and facts which prove beyond reasonable doubt that such operations have continued epidemically for decades and into the present day. In addition I will discuss some notable cases and individuals which also suggest the largely political backgrounds of the perpetrators.

Above image composited from graphics on the National Human Trafficking Hotline website.


In 2013 the Center for Public Policy Studies compiled a series of nationwide statistics on human trafficking. Many of these statistics are featured on the Pizzagate Wiki, but Texas is featured prominently in the fact sheet as a center for human slavery in the United States. These statistics give us an interesting frame of reference for just how severe this issue is around the world:

  • According to the US State Department between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. annually
  • The Polaris Project reports, however, that there are an estimated 100,000 - 300,000 prostituted children in the U.S
  • In 2011, 83% of reported incidents in the U.S. were sex trafficking
  • In 2008, 38% of all calls to the National Trafficking Resource Center originated from Texas
  • On a typical weekend night in the state of Texas, an estimated 188 girls under 18 are commercially sexually exploited through internet classified sex ads
  • The Dallas-Fort Worth region accounts for 35% of the state’s commercial sexual exploitation cases even though they only have 26% of the state’s entire population
  • Of the 350 law enforcement agencies in Texas, only 4 have federally funded task forces devoted to human trafficking
  • Texas law does not require law enforcement to compile and report statistics specific to human trafficking cases, making statistical analysis extremely difficult

Most recent statistics suggest that human trafficking in Texas is on the rise. In 2015 there were 436 Texas reports to the National Human Trafficking Hotline,(1) 330 of which went on to become criminal cases.(2) The next year in 2016 the National Human Trafficking Hotline received 670 reports in Texas.(3) Presently Houston has the most such cases of any city in the state.(2)

Notable cases

Now I will present some cases to add further historical context to these statistics. These cases will also demonstrate just how it is possible for human trafficking to be so pervasive in Texas. University of Texas professor Dr. Tom Philpott would state that this industry is, "serving the most respected people in our society."(4)

Representative Joseph P. Wyatt, Jr. (1981)

Representative Joseph P. Wyatt, Jr.

Joseph P. Wyatt Jr. was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives on behalf of Texas from 1979 to 1981.(5) According to University of Texas professor Dr. Tom Philpott, a young boy filed a formal complaint against Wyatt with charges of soliciting him for sex. There was no trial and no charges were ever brought against Wyatt, but he did enter himself into Drug & Alcohol rehabilitation.(6) To this day stories about this event are almost non-existent and are saved only by Dr. Philpott's research.

Washington D.C. interstate callboy ring (1982)

In 1982 The New York Times published an article exposing an international and politically connected pedophile network titled, Boy Sex Rings Said to Peddle Client Data to Foreign Agents. Investigators found that, "Prostitution rings are providing young boys to male customers in Washington and are reportedly selling information about their clients' sexual preferences to foreign intelligence services".

Male prostitutes between the ages of 13 and 16 were shuttled between the cities, and were paid from $50 to $250, with younger boys commanding the most. Anne Fisher of the Washington Metropolitan Police testified that she had uncovered a six-city prostitution network that used 12-year-old boys and allowed customers to pay for sex with credit cards. The cities involved are Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, New York, Washington and Houston.

''You could call a number in Houston from Washington and have a young boy brought to your room in Washington,'' stated Fisher.

Waco siege (1991)

In 1991 Texas and Federal police raided a compound run by Branch Davidians led by David Koresh killing him and 76 of its members and four Federal agents. Autopsy records also indicate that at least 20 Branch Davidians were shot, including five children under the age of 14. Three-year-old Dayland Gent was stabbed in the chest.(7)

Davidian leader David Koresh (real name Vernon Wayne Howell) had been accused of multiple instances of sexual abuse against children through his religious group. Dr. Bruce D. Perry, the chief of psychiatry at Texas Children's Hospital, says he worked with 19 of the surviving children between the ages of three months and 14 years and found that many claimed to have been assaulted by Koresh. Even after their release, however, and as they described their treatment by Mr. Koresh, nearly all the children have talked about their love for him.(8)

To this day there is continued debate on whether or not the Branch Davidians actually abused the children.(9) Declassified CIA documents show that in 1995 even members of the press were outspokenly critical about the FBI and ATF's handling of the investigation and suggested it was likely part of a bigger cover-up.(10) Another declassified CIA document shows that the FBI was actually contacting a Russian scientist weeks prior to the incident to test an experimental acoustic weapon on David Koresh.(11)

Note: And yes, that last one is very, very real.

Even further down the rabbit hole it has been suggested that members of the Branch Davidians had successfully hacked and obtained files from the CIA, Pentagon and President George H.W. Bush. In addition, the Branch Davidian compound in Waco doubled as a surveillance station to track flights as well as drug and human trafficking operations of the CIA-run Buffalo Airlines.(12) While this story is nearly impossible to verify, I was able to corroborate some interesting details.

Apparently the Branch Davidian village indeed bordered the TSTC Waco Airport (which interestingly enough also houses defense contractor L-3 Communications).(13) In addition, Buffalo Airlines (now Buffalo Airways) was owned/operated by Farhad Azima, who's previous airline was Global International Airways which was a front for the CIA and shutdown after being linked to the Iran-Contra operations.(14)

It is believed that Buffalo Airways, a large consumer in retired military aircraft, was likely continuously involved with the CIA. In fact, a book titled Buffalo Airways: Diamonds, DC-3s and 'Buffalo Joe' McBryan discussed several cases in which employees, often ex-CIA, would also carry out missions for the CIA while performing their regular duties.(15)

Oak Hill satanic ritual abuse trial (1991)


Fran and Dan Keller, owners of a daycare in Austin, Texas, were both sentenced to 48 years for their involvement in sadistic abuse of children. The case began on August 15, 1991, when a 3-year-old girl told her mother that Dan Keller had hurt her. The mother and daughter were on their way to a scheduled appointment with the girl’s therapist, who drew out details of sexual abuse with soldiers and other adults. The Kellers, they said, sometimes wore white robes and lit candles before hurting them. The children also accused the Kellers of forcing them to watch or participate in violent acts such as killing and dismemberment. The children recalled several plane trips, including one to Mexico, and then returning to Austin in time to meet their parents at the day care.(16)

The only physical evidence of abuse in the case was presented by Dr. Michael Mouw, an emergency room physician at Brackenridge Hospital who examined the 3-year-old girl in 1991 on the night she first accused Dan Keller of abuse. Mouw testified at the Kellers’ trial that he found injuries consistent with sexual abuse and determined that they were less than 24 hours old.(17)

Eventually the medical evidence would be dismissed by the examiner, however, and Fran and Dan were freed in 2013 and their charges dropped.(18) The original accusers have recanted their testimony as well and this case is now considered a classical part of the "daycare hysteria" phenomenon.

Researchers have noted similarities in this case with that of the controversial "False Memory Syndrome Foundation". The FMSF is run by several CIA MKULTRA mind-control experts who then get individuals to recant testimonies and experiences related to mind control experimentation and Satanic ritual abuse.(19) It is unknown whether the FMSF worked with the Oak Hill victims specifically, but the case and the Keller's exoneration is curiously featured on the FMSF website.(20)

Interestingly enough False Memory Syndrome "experts", such as Dr. Paul McHugh, also believe things like transgenderism to also be the result of False Memory Syndrome and that it is, "a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention."(21)

West Texas State School scandal (2005)

Texas Rangers investigated the West Texas State School's assistant superintendent, Ray Brookins, and principal, John Paul Hernandez, for their connections to sexual abuse of students and child pornography.(22) In 2010 Ray Brookins would be convicted of all charges(23), but despite having been caught with child pornography, John Paul Hernandez would be acquitted and all charges against him dropped in 2011.(24)

Congressman Tom DeLay and the Jack Abramoff scandal (2006)

Tom DeLay
Representative Tom DeLay

In 2006 lobbyist Jack Abramoff plead guilty to charges relating to his solicitation of bribes to Representative Tom DeLay of Texas, but no charges were brought against DeLay.(25) Interestingly, earlier in 1997 while DeLay was vacationing with Abramoff in the Mariana Islands he apparently stopped legislation against sex shops as a personal favor to Abramoff.(26)

Constable Larry Dale Floyd (2007)

Larry Dale Floyd, constable for Denton County, Texas, was sentenced in 2007 with three charges including enticement of a minor.(27) He continued to win elections even while under investigation.

Texas Juvenile Detention molestation cases (2013)

The United States Department of Justice revealed in 2013 that 11% of children detained at Texas state-run facilities are sexually assaulted. In most of these cases it is from contact with a staff member of the facility.(28)

Dr. Larry Nassar, Karolyi Ranch and USA Olympic Gymnastics (2016)

Dr. Larry Nassar
Dr. Larry Nassar and Team USA gymnast

In November of 2016 Texas Rangers searched Karolyi Ranch, the training area for the USA Olympic gymnastics team, for evidence pertaining to team physician, Dr. Larry Nassar. Nassar was then charged with three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person younger than 13. In December, federal prosecutors charged him with receipt, attempted receipt and possession of child pornography. The federal charges were filed after investigators discovered more than 37,000 images of child pornography on computer devices during a search of Nassar's property.(29)


As it was mentioned earlier, Texas is a surprisingly difficult place to find information on those involved in perpetrating the epidemic human trafficking crimes there. It is evident, however, that a surprisingly large number of institutions and politically connected individuals perpetrate these crimes in relative secrecy.

Pizzagate is really not so strange a concept.

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