
And what is the most desirable age for this sodomy to begin, according to Satanist practice? Age 3. Age 3 years. Ages 3-5 years. That's when it's recommended according to Satanist practice. How do I know all this stuff? Am I a psychologist or sexual abuse expert? In some ways, yes to both of those possibilities, but my answer is much simpler in fact. One little helpless victim 53 years ago was me... aged 2 1/2. I know the shit I had to go through to re-find my sanity and to stop wishing every day I would die. I had no memory of what underlined these miserable feelings and tendencies and depression - with PTSD but never fully knowing why. I presented a very normal exterior, but inside, I was a mess. But my older sisters remembered what had happened to me - at least regarding one of the incidents. It was one of those little "family secrets". After i'd actually faced all these inner demons over a 10-15 year period, life is now completely sweet. Oh yeah... this is hard work and takes a long time to turn over the rocks of the abuse. You spend a lot of years in shock after you rediscover and re-remember what has happened to you, you're often unable to sleep properly, have numbed emotions, and do lots of sleeping - you need it. You're processing your whole life up to that point. Of course you don't want to accept this happened to you. Look at how much effort already your brain has gone to, to mask what's gone on. The horrific traumas the children suffer at the hands of these Satanists is only the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg itself is a life broken, crushed, that can never be re-assembled. And a huge tax burden on the country because of the years and years (decades) of therapies of different kinds (you have to seek out the ones that work for you - you go through lots of therapists. It's never easy) that are needed for somebody to be returned to their natural state where they can feel even remotely safe to be in the world once again :(

If that's my PTSD talking @reaction there's a reason for it mate !!!!

I have personal experience. Don't be an arse @reaction.