
in #pizzagate4 years ago

In an attempt to find a favorable outlet to air my thoughts out in the form of the written word I came across Hive, and decided to give it a shot. I'm a content creator on Youtube that the media would more than likely call something along the lines of an: "alt-right white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theorist pizzagater", but I'd rather simply refer to myself as a "conspiracy realist" - a data-driven researcher that connects the dots using publicly available information and current news reports to expose the hidden agenda that lurks beneath the otherwise trivial and monotonous machinations of everyday life, but nonetheless dictate the nature and direction in which it heads.

My channel's primary objective at its origin was to serve as an insightful and entertaining channel for more experienced researchers, while simultaneously attempting to attract those that are either apathetic and simply don't care about the importance of our "conspiracy theories", or those that actively criticize and resist our ideas. I decided to format my channel in the way that I did based on my observation of where the "Truther Community" is lacking: showing the viewers the steps they took to find the data they are discussing and the conclusions they are jumping to. In my opinion, it is imperative that we remain committed to fact-checking our own work in an attempt to remain legitimate in the eyes of the still uninitiated and extremely skeptical and sometimes hostile public. This isn't so much a critique of the Truther movement broadly so much as my personal favored strategy that I deem most effective.

Our work is perceived immediately as being fringe, taboo, something to laugh at. This is the natural result of years of conspiracy-shaming, the public mocking of people by painting them as wacky conspiracy theorists wearing tinfoil hats and believing in reptilians, whereas you and I both know that this is not a fair or accurate representation of our community and what it's about. Rather, it is part of the demoralization process that has been ongoing in this country for many years. With this in mind, it is essential that our information be airtight, and that our speculation is controlled, when speaking publicly about our beliefs. If we really want to expose the truth and "wake the world", we cannot afford to be weak on our data.

This is precisely why I put so much importance into the idea of showing your work, "replicating the results" to demonstrate the connections to the public in live time, sourcing your information and evidence, breaking the data bits down into a more education-like format with specific segments, connecting the "conspiracy theories" to real-world events, objectively researching the information rather than jumping to outlandish conclusions, and instilling into the public that the normal, everyday person can access the same information we are if they know where to look. Perhaps most importantly is demonstrating to the uninitiated just how effective crowd-sourced research has on the wider public, and how many incidents they've seen covered by the mainstream media in the past that turns out to have originated from citizen researchers or investigators.

I think maybe the biggest reason I decided to create this channel and format in the way that I have is the fact that I used to laugh at every single topic I now care about very deeply. I am not fooling you or exaggerating, I truly used to find the idea of an "Illuminati" or conglomerate of elite pedophiles trafficking children and ruling the world was absolutely impossible. I thought it was a theory for dummies; it's simply too big and it's ridiculous to even think it is feasible. Dopes think that stuff is possible. A buddy of mine back in Highschool once told me that Satanic Pedophiles control the world, or at least have a large influence over it. I didn't even flinch; I acknowledged his statement, reflected on the sheer impossibility of it and continued skateboarding. I don't even think I ever thought about it again, and in a way, that is almost more frightening than if I were to actively resist the idea. A quiet apathy, remaining completely unmoved by the statement, never once getting a pang of curiosity to look it up and see what it was he was talking about, even if it really were crazy. That type of behavior continued until 2016, though, where everything changed for me. I think it changed a lot of people, actually. It was the Podesta Emails that completely changed my worldview. It wouldn't have been possible though if I didn't have access to this community of truthers; in fact, I'd go so far as to say that the only reason I did not begin this research before 2016 is that I simply was reading the wrong sources.

I never realized that there was so many connections and pieces of evidence publicly available on the Internet! This entire time I was unknowingly hypnotized, demoralized and apathetic under the false conclusion that the elites were so powerful there was literally no way to effect them in any way regardless of how hard we tried. Wikileak's releasing John Podesta's emails changed that for me, and it introduced me to the crowd of people that have been doing what I'm doing now for many, many years. I learned a lot about the information that exists out there, and it still astounds me to this day to see what is available out there for all to see.

I realize now that the ultimate way to combat the evil that exists in the world while knowing how pervasive and overwhelming it all is is to simply live righteously and achieve a happy and balanced life. These demons want us to suffer; we are enslaved and monetized by them from the moment of birth, and there is no changing that. Do not fall for the negativity that comes with that thought; happiness is possible to achieve in this world, and I talk a lot on the subject of remaining happy while researching these terrible topics. Listen: the fact we are assisting in exposing these horrible truths - the very fact we can even find these data points to connect at all is a reason to rejoice and find happiness. The fact that we care enough about others enough to spend our free time researching the ills that befall them is in itself a reason to be happy, we should be proud of ourselves for doing what we do.

We have found our roles, and that role is to guide the curious and open-minded into their new perception of reality, and to acquaint them with their new world and the ways to navigate it. It isn't my job or yours to force this information down the throats of people. The goal here is to provide well researched and sourced information in the form of video presentations to those with seeking eyes.

A door to truth exists in everyone. Some may never open it or even find it, while others such as myself in 2016 will discover it and dive in, forever falling deeper into that hole with a sensation of having never felt better or more clarity in life. I have had great success in the endeavor of introducing the uninitiated and the skeptical to topics like Pizzagate, and have been contacted by multiple personal acquaintances and friends who had never considered these ideas in the past, but are now extremely disturbed by the information and evidence I include in these presentations. A friend I went to Highschool with (now a State Trooper) commented the other day on my research, and mentioned how disturbing it was that at first the topics I cover in my videos sound outlandish, but many of them end up being true. I am not so much bragging about my work here as much as I am bragging about the work we all do in this community. We DO have the power to affect change in the people that currently are apathetic or skeptical. I am seeing people radically change their worldviews in my own personal life. People I'd never expect.

We may not live long enough to see victory. As more time passes, the more I realize this is a multi-generational effort; a consistent fight to combat evil from taking over completely, similar to the constant chore of pulling weeds to prevent them from taking over the front lawn. They always grow back.

I hope you'll join me in my efforts to expose the truth, spread it to the public, and create a community of similar-minded "truth seekers" in this increasingly dark and challenging world.


Welcome bro, good to have you here.

Thanks a ton jonboka. Really enjoying myself here, though I must admit I'm still learning how it all works.

Nice one. Keep up the good work bro. My copy of "Programmed to Kill" arrived yesterday, hooked already...
Check out the Hive apps: https://hive.io/eco/
Worth you using 3speak for video uploads (they'll auto sync to your hive blog) and also D.Buzz as an alternative to Twitter (also links to your blog).