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RE: PizzaGate is a Prime Example of Mass Stupidity

in #pizzagate8 years ago

It is fine to investigate, that has to be done and I applaud the people trying to get to the bottom of it. The issue I am having is the massive amounts of attacking done to people who might not even be involved. Death threats, posting children all over to get there point across... Taking anything, and I mean anything that can be twisted into fitting the crime.
"should--as I suspect--this scandal turn out to be legitimate."
Even you possess a doubt, so I respectfully request that you don't present the evidence you contain as facts until you actually know them as facts!
Because What if it isn't legitimate??? Then what? You thousands of people going to make personal appologies? Doubtful..
"well we were wrong.... sorry?"
While countless lives have now been ruined.

P.S. Steemit doesn't have that little red line under spelling and grammer errors. and I'm not pretending to have credentials, unlike the massive crowd of people presenting their "information" as facts. But hell, make some death threats and ruin lives on a theory. That is where the world is at.

  1. I already pointed out that I have doubts, though they are very slim. I never presented you with any evidence about pizzagate, only an article which challenges the veracity of the mainstream media.
  2. I have no reason to apologise. It was I who made a post requesting that people stop the abuse until it is proven definitively.
  3. Regardless of whether the red lines show up for you or not, some of those mistakes are so obvious that you should not need an alert to bring them to your attention if you had proof read your writing before posting. But, I bet you didn't. Just as I bet you didn't bother to pay much attention to any of the evidence into pizzagate or you would not be holding this stance of yours so pigheadedly.

Years ago, those who dared to seek the truth were greatly outnumbered by those who take everything they're told by the MSM as gospel. That time has changed. Now it is only those that are terrified of accepting the truth that still cling to this idea that conspiracy theories are always bullshit.

Go to the pizzagate category on Steemit and have a look at how well denial and ignorance is being received. Then go and look at how those who are suspicious of it are being received. You are, for the first time in history, the minority. I strongly urge you to snap out of your fantasy world and open your mind to viewpoints that are different from your own, or you will find yourself cold and alone on the wrong side of society. Good day.

Fuck that was awesome. Nope we are not the minority anymore, especially on a platform like steemit! A lot of people coming here don't realize what they are in for; those who suffer from severe cognitive dissonance will have a rude awakening, or can leave.

Exposing evil satanic pedophile serial killers... satan's little helpers.
Possessed beast worshipers!!!
Their souls are damned to roast in hell for all eternity.
Shame on them!!!

I just like truth, and I hate scum. Which, you'd think would be normal but... maybe not.