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RE: PizzaGate - DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta's Emails - Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I posted this on your youtube channel but will repost in case it gets lost.... the photo links are all a chain in a long link to that creepy killroom instangram photo from Comet:

If you follow these links that I've already researched from #Pizzagate you will unequivocally come to the same view as other investigators that there is a MASSIVE coverup of epic proportions of a child pedophilia ring.

Think about it for a second. Jerry Sandusky who raped numerous kids at Penn State was involved with a child advocacy group called the "Second Mile" - he was charged with 45 counts of pedophilic sexual abuse. Penn State was able to keep this a secret for DECADES!.... not 1 or 2 years.... DECADES. Just as the Catholic Church was able to keep the rape of countless boys a secret for more than 50 years.

Anyways, to my point, Jim Steyer, who is implicated in the Podesta emails has the SAME fact pattern as Jerry Sandusky.

Podesta email linking Jim and John using the codeword "Walnut Sauce" which in pedohilic rings means children of color and orgy:

Go ahead and google Jim Steyer to see what his day job is:

James Pearson "Jim" Steyer is an American child advocate

Now follow these links from that infamous #killroom photo that Comet Pizza posted on their instagram account here:

Now, when you click the link above you'll see a comment from insta user "nilaylawson" and she says "Just rinse it off when you're done".

If you go to her instagram account here:

You'll come upon a photo that is handwritten and it says

"Three young coconuts on an ornate tray on a hardwood floor in a dark room with a Roman vase lurking in the background"

At this point.... it really doesn't get any clearer as to the imagery she is describing, knowing that she is already making some sort of strangely sadistic comment on the Comet photo.

They obviously use code words and not the actual word of 3 children laying on a tray, so as not to arouse suspicion... but it's obvious to any thinking person.

Regardless, if you're still not convinced, I've dug even further. Now if you click on a user that comments on her photo named nomunomunomunomunomu (nomu is japenese for "to drink").... you'll find this sadistic photo of a child tied, bound, and gagged in nothing but his underwear.

The title of the photo is "#artshow #tonight! 1912 3rd street starts at 8 featuring a bound and gagged @jerrysaltz" (1912 3rd street is a house address, sort of a strange place for an art show)

If you even try to click on Jerry Saltz's instagram... good luck - it is very obvious this sick guy is a pedophilia satanic worshipper. This guy won a Pulitzer prize for his disgusting taste in art.

It's all plain and open for anyone to see.

P.S. Not saying this makes them guilty, but the Comet Pizza owner is referenced as being "Brock's boyfriend" (yes, THE David Brock) in one email from Podesta. He is clearly a homosexual and he closes some of his emails to John Podesta with "Xoxo"... sort of strange that he writes this way to a man who is supposedly married if you ask me.

The truly strange part is that James Alefantis (Comet Pizza owner) is emailing John Podesta at 10:37 PM (a full hour after Comet is closed) on a Thursday night when the restaurant is closed and asking if he is coming over to Comet (the subject line). Why in the world would they meet after hours at the restaurant?